what to memorize in math

I know memorizing the math facts is very important specially for mental math. what else will be helpful to memorize .

please help . I want to help my little ones to be better at math.

Addition , subtraction, multiplication, division.
Measurements such as how many oz in a gal, cents in a quarter, inches in a foot etc (For the US). Most of these things are in the back of composition books. I think knowing many and measurements are crucial in the US. Not so much in other contrives because metric systems is easy. But learning words like milli, deci, centi help.
Roman numerals.
Order of operations. PEMDAS.

Memorize how many sides polygons have hexagon = 6. Decagon = 4. Tetragon/quadrilateral = 4. Etc.
Memorize attributes and types of shapes. Examples are scalene, acute, obtuse, right angle, isosceles, triangles. Rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, kites and more are types of quadrilaterals.
Types of angles; obtuse, acute, right.
Parts of shapes such as lines, rays, points, vertices.
Formulas for perimeter and area.

There is so much more. But these are a few things that came off the top of my head.

Days of the week, months of the year
Square roots and numbers squared up to 100 ( square root of 81)
Doubles ( surprisingly its one of the few things they make them memorise in school still!) up to at least 10
For multiplication and division it is recommended to teach all up to 12 but personally I have needed 13 often enough that I should have learnt it too!
Addition and substation facts should be automatic. There are plenty of games that help with practicing these. Timed tests are good for competitive kids but not younger kiddies.
Skip counting to 100
I would also recommend teaching fractions of 100 and 1000. It’s surprising how often my kids need to know 1/2 of 1000 is 500 and that 3/4 of 100 is 75. Plus if you teach these early your kids won’t be scared of working with big numbers as lots of kids tend to be.
Definitely teach time, they do a terrible job of that in schools!
weight and temperature conversions if you are in the US would be useful too.

I actually like multiplication to 15 plus 25’s, 50’s and 75’s.
Not sure this is actually math but I am planning on teaching (using Jones Geniuses but there are plenty of free options) memory pegs to 100.
Number bonds - I think this is what it is called - to 5 and 10.
Names and attributes of 2D and 3D shapes.
There is so much that you could teach lol