what to do with a 3month old!

hello everyone. my daughter is 3months in 2 days and i’m just wondering what i can star doing with her. we’ve been doing the tummy time, she doesn’t seem to like it much though, she maages to crawl a few centimeters and that’s it. i’ve also stared a bit of signing with her - milk, bath and nappy change. once in a while we do the flashcards, but LR is supposed to be from 4months isn’t it. i’m just really excited about teaching her, but at the same time i dont want to be too pushy, so do you think 3months is too early to start the flascards.
thanks for your time.

when my doughter was in this age, she liked to touch toys. I gave her not only solid but also soft toys. We had rabit and mouse, washable and with rough surface. (natural materials.) I think, soft toys are very good because they have small elastic details; baby can touch, bend and move their ears, tail, legs. Also the rough and uneven surface helps to feel senses. In opposite with hard toys - baby can only hold and move them, nothing else.

At 6 months, she was able to pick up little objects with her thumb and forefinger. In average, it happens at 12 months. This skill is necessary for the speech. Now my doughter is speaking very well, and I think this it is because of these soft toys.

In my opinion, and it is just that, an opinion. I think that 3 months is too young for flash cards. I think at this stage in their life they need to focus on moving and seeing. Take her outside and let her touch and feel plants and rocks and dirt. When you are inside let her have tummy time in different places so she can see different views each time. My son hated it too because he got so frustrated at not being able to move. Put lots of bright toys around for her to play with and definately make sure she has lot sof bright and different texture toys to play with and feel.

Have a Blessed Day,

Hi, this is how our perfect toy looks like



thanks a lot, i found your replies very helpful. i put her in her bouncer and opened the curtain so she could look in the back garden,also yesterday, we went on a stroll to the park and instead of putting her in the buggy, i used the forward facing baby carrier so she could look around, and she really seemed to enjoy both. so i guess for now i’ll stick with the tummy time and soft toys. thanks a lot.

Hi thanks a lot my kid is 21/2 months old I was wondering what to do with her the suggestions were useful.

  • singing songs, if you are bilingual , this could be good time to start using both languages in rhymes, sing-song voice.
    *i used to use some handmade flash cards as suggested by tracy Hogg, (that was way before I knew about Doman,LR etc, seems prehistoric but I did it)
  • with the child sitting in the bouncer and just talking with your child as you go about completing chores like folding laundry.
    *giving her little textured toys (which can fit in her hand easily but not too small) so the child can explore it. maybe even a small rattle.
    Give her good tummy time experiences, get down on the floor with your child an talk to her from different directions, so as to encourage good visual tracking, head lifting.
    the reason i have mentioned non -lingustic activities is because for a child to be able to integrate any information,physical and cognitive development both are important.for e.g. good head control will help her to absorb from the flash cards .I would wait a while to start flash cards.

Hi everyone,

I have 2 months and 3 weeks old son.
3 Weeks ago I introduced black & white flashcards to my baby. I’ve read in “How smart is your baby?” by Glenn Doman that it’s good to show them black & white pictures for the purpose of baby’s brain stimulation. I’ve downloaded and printed out flashcards from this forum and my baby LOVES them. Particularly he loves to look at flashcards “faces:. Some of these flashcards have red color also. But the point is to get him ready for a start in reading. One week ago I bought " Your baby can read” set. I started to show him basic words. But after about 3 days I’ve realized he doesnt’ have an interest in that yet. I shown him black & white flashcards again and he was excited seeing them. He was smiling to me like never before. So I don’t rush. I still stimulate him with black & white & red color pictures, occasionally we watch a dvd with words from a reading program.
I think it’s good to wait until baby is ready. And yes, crawling is very hard for him to so far :slight_smile:

I hope that will help


These are all great suggestions. My baby is 3 and a half months old. For me, mirrors (no glass mirrors) work wonders! My baby loves looking at herself in the mirror. I hanged one from the top of her play pen and she loves it. I started flash cards a couple of weeks ago and at the beggining she could not stop staring at the screen, but those times are over. She gets distracted very easy, so I decided to stop the flash cards for right now and start again maybe in about a month or so to see how she does. I may try the black and white flash cards first.

It seems that at this age what she loves the most is me talking to her, touring her around the house and singing to her. Even when she starts crying if I start singing she calms down and just listens to me and I have a horrible voice!

My daughter hates tummy time, but I just started to lay next to her and off course signing. She did 5 minutes today. I was very proud of her. I did nt pick her up as soon as she started fussyng and she got over it and kept going with her tummy time.

I’ll try the soft toys to see how she does. So far she has not been too much into toys.

Great topic!

Read and sing a lot to your child, and maximize tummy time. We let Felicity cry it out the first day when she wasn’t used to it, then after that, there was no going back as she’d be so much happier on her tummy. See the other thread about importance of crawling in the Teach Your Child -Other board.

I hung up a bunch of white and black cards with red backgrounds. I would put them where he could see them from his swing or changing table. Our house looked strange but he liked it. I also found a great white and black toy that was an accordion-type picture book that stood up on its own. I’ll see if I can get the Amazon link. It was great because I think at that age they still turn their heads to the side. I put this up next to him on the floor and he could look at it when his head was to the side.

Also, now is a great time to get organized. You can get some materials ready and maybe a game plan for what you want to do when she is old enough.

I couldn’t agree more! Get busy deciding what you would like to teach your little one. Make attainable goals for your child. Read, read, read all the books that you can about early education, education in general, and etc. It’s better to start earlier than wait until it is too late. :slight_smile:

All those ideas are great! I wish that i had heard of LR when my daughter was younger as she was always interested in new things. It is hard starting it now as she is active and wants to get into everything…not sit still. Good on you for wanting the best for your child :slight_smile:

my baby is 1 wk old. when should i start tummy timE?
Also when to start showing signing dvds?

I think we started when our daughter was a couple of weeks old. Just giving her a tiny bit of supervised time on her tummy then giving her longer periods as she got older. Most of the time she would only tolerate a few minutes before getting upset. In fact my daughter never really liked tummy time and started crawling from a sitting up position and then went onto her hands.
I dont think it is ever to early for signing with your baby, in fact the earlier the better. I dont know about signing dvds…you might need to wait a bit for them as your child wont be able to concentrate on them.
Hope i was some help :slight_smile:

Start tummy time asap. I think the earlier you start it, the better your baby will tolerate it. It will be something she is used to, and it’s great for giving her neck strength. Just start by putting her on her tummy for a minute or two at a time, and then gradually increase it. Don’t worry if she fusses a little; all babies do. That’s why the earlier the better. I would start showing signing DVDs (or any high quality educational DVD) after 4 months. That way her vision is developed enough to be able to follow the objects on the screen.

thanks nhockday and rose08 will start tummy and signing now. Already startes flashing black and white visual stimulation and number dot cards.

She likes the animal ones.