what to do when your child is coming to the end of wanting flashcards?

I have to say I am very disappointed that my almost 3 is coming to a stage of not really wanting flashcards anymore.:frowning: I love doing flashcards with her but she is learning to write, reading very well now and starting on maths (Her not so favourite subject). I still want to keep it fun and lively for her she will still look at flashcards every now and then and I will keep going while she wants them but I also do’t want to be drilling her with workbooks. SHe enjoys her Kumon books but she there is alot of repetition. Which after a while becomes boring.

What have you all done when your child is 'transitioning" and how do you make lesson fun and enjoyable? I am thinking of buyinmg the wink programme to keep her right brain open? as for what else to do I have no idea? She will be starting at a montessori pre school in October and is currently in the transition programme at the montesori school.


Just wanted to chime in a small bit here, I know Kumon is Alllllll about repetition, but unless you are enrolled in a class, skip some pages! There is no law that says you have to complete an entire workbook of any sort as written! You can just do it until your child learns the material. I skip reviews pages and such for DD if she simply does not need them, use your best judgement.

Have you considered flash card games? I know it isn’t right brained but there are many games out there that are fun to play and helpful for a quick revision.

Have you considered getting an Ipad?

Make cooler flashcards. My son is 4 and he loves dinos and bugs so I make flashcards on those. He can read so I will do a sentence on each card and make a story about him and bugs. If you get creative I bet you can keep your child interested and teach at her level.