What to do for frequent bloody noses?

My 2 yo daughter has been having bloody noses quite often lately. Just wondering if any other parents are dealing with this and what can be done for her. We do live in a dry climate, but we use a humidifier every night and most days, when we are in the house. I thought that was at least helping her to not get bloody noses at night, but last night she had another one. :frowning:

Sometimes they last 5-10 minutes. We usually try an ice pack wrapped in cloth on the back of her neck, or have her hold an ice pack in her hands. Sometimes that seems to help, other times it doesn’t.

Does anyone have an idea what would cause this?? Or what we can do so it won’t continue to happen??

I would talk to her dr. My friends sin had this happen a lot and the only solution was the cauterize the blood vessels in his nose. A very simple proceedure.

Myself and 2 of my kids get frequent ( and sometimes ridiculously heavy) bleeding noses.
The triggers for all three of us seem to be heat first. And bumping combined with heat as a second trigger.
It’s not really a big deal medically ( unless it’s really frequent like more than once a week, for more than a few weeks in a row) but it can be quite stressful for the kids.
To deal with them, first use a tissue to stop blood dripping as it is when the kids can see the blood that they freak out and cry usually. It is best to keep it stress free and calm. I try to change tissues in a way thet they don’t see too much blood also.
I let them bleed naturally for a minute or so, with the child sitting clamly in a cool place. If the bleeding doesn’t stop by then. I have them hold the bridge of their nose. In my old kids they can hold their head back, but I would NOT reccomend that for a toddler ( potential for blood down the wrong throat tube, or coughing and splattering blood evywhere)

Ice is a good idea, as is removing clothing and a luke warm shower. but my kids always seem to get nose bleeds when there is no ice near by! The park, at school ( I pity their school nurse lol ) and often in the car and yes sometimes in bed. Usually when they get bed time nose bleeds it is because they have over heated during their sleep. That is now the only time I get nose bleeds as an adult. I can feel when I am getting too hot or am going to get a nose bleed when I am awake and just relax for a while to prevent it.

If your climate is hot then this could be the same issue. A doctor once told me my blood vessels are closer to the surface than others but I never believed him… Kids get better at managing it with age, and the frequency tends to lesson or get to a fairly predictable state. If you are worried see a doctor. If it is more than twice a week every week for a few weeks running see a doctor. It’s probably nothing but better to be sure. Do ask the grandparents if any of your siblings had them as a kid, and dads parents too.

Thanks Manda and Korrale,

I had asked the dr. about it about a month ago and he seemed to think that it wasn’t anything to be concerned about although it does happen 5 or 6 times a week. Most of them are less than a minute, but the long ones… Besides, we live 80 miles from town and the doctor, so unless it is an emergency or a regular shopping trip we probably wouldn’t go just for nose bleeds.

We live in the high desert, so it does get hot 90+ F. during the day. But it also cools off to 30-40 F at night. I am curious why some kids seem to get them and others don’t. My siblings and I didn’t get them unless we were bumped hard in the nose. My husband said he thinks that he got them when he was younger. So far, it doesn’t seem to be heat related otherwise I would think she would get them while we are outside in the hot, dry air running around. Mostly, it happens in the house, thankfully! She doesn’t ever seem concerned, and is fascinated by the blood :huh:

Oh well based on that I would be worried about it either. If she isn’t bothered and they are only minor don’t stress. If it goes on for months then consider another doctors visit. I don’t know why some get them and some don’t. I am the only one of my 4 sibling to get them, but my dad did as a child, so I think it is hereditary. My oldest and I both get quite Large bleeds and I have never thought to get anything done to fix it. Nat has to hold her head over a bin at school and they go through a whole roll of toilet paper or box of tissues sometimes before her bleeds stop! She loses a lot of blood. But it never bothers her physically, but she sometimes gets a bit stressed at the volume of blood. She is a bleeder anytime she cuts herself and a regular visitor to the school nurse! lol
I have quite low blood pressure and so does my dad. We also ALL ( the bleeders that is) have the same blood type A neg. Not sure if any of that has anything to do with it but…

My nephew got them all the time, and its really about the placement of the blood vessels in the nose that causes them. If the blood vessel is large and close to the surface of the skin inside the nose, any kind of irritation will cause it, especially secret nose pickers and dry weather. Some doctors will cauterize the blood vessels, but I think my nephew grew out of the nose bleeds. They also recommend these days to not hold your head back no matter your age. Rather hold the head forward and pinch the nose. I can now stop a nose bleed in a minute. My step daughter got them over the summer with all the dry weather.

Hope that helps.