What to do after YBCR

At the end of next month I will finish YBCR Dvd programme, As I plan on continuining with the dvd intermittently Im not sure now how to build on her reading knowledge.

I go through the sliding cards once a day (That is 50 words) which she seems to be learning really fast, would anyone recommend going to the couplet stage in the GD program or starting the GD program from the start any ideas would be great???

Dear Kimba,

We seem to be on the same schedule. :smiley: We begin the Review DVD on the 1st and the girls can recognize most of the words from the 82 double-sided flashcards.

I plan to make couplets/phrases with the YBCR materials and take the sentences out of the books and put them into LR on the Doman schedule.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

I know that the Doman program recommends starting couplets after 200 words. I just ordered the YBCR DVDs and look forward to starting them and becoming familiar with the program.

If the girls seem to be understanding, I would think that it would be okay to move on to the couplets and homemade books while at the same time introducing new words that are individualized to them (e.g. my son is in love with sand and playing in the sandbox while your child/children may like to eat peanut butter and drink lemonade).

Keep us posted on how it goes! :slight_smile:

Some months ago I asked this of Titzer myself, telling him that we’d gone through all the DVDs and that, of course, my boy could not read perfectly fluently. So, what’s next in the program? I forget his full answer but the thing I took away is that you keep reading a lot to your child and be sure to move you finger under the words as you read. I am very sure that my boy has learned to read very well (around 2nd grade level, I think, before age 3) in large part because of this.

Another thing you can do is go through a phonics program, like my own “fleschcards”: http://www.mediafire.com/Fleschcards As I’ve explained elsewhere, I highly recommend this!

Thanks for all your responses.

While I think YBCR is really great I do not think it is the be all and end all of reading programmes. There still seems to be holes in it. I don’t think it makes a fluent reader but is a great introduction to reading.

I want to make sure that Sophia’s reading knowledge is built on, it would be great if YBCR made a continuation of these DVDs.

Thank you for your tips dad dude I was thinking of a phoincs programme.

Nice, I like this link. :yes:

The other program that you may be able to do is “Hooked on Phonics”. I have the one for babies so it can;t give you much feedback, but someone here (I think zoe22) said she used it and that is how her baby learned to read. She posted this video and it looks very nice.
