What tips would you like to share with first-time parents?

I decided to create this topic because of a conversation I had today at work. The woman with whom I was speaking had a terrible night because her granddaughter (for whom she is caring) was congested, couldn’t breathe, and because of that (apparently) did not want to eat. They live in the mountains, so it was hard for her to get to a store, and in the small town where we live nothing is open after 10 p.m. So, I told her she could have made some homemade saline solution to help the baby breathe a bit better (something she didnt know even though she is a grandmother now). Anyway, below are some things that were recommended to us for which I am thankful and that have made our experience rasing our daughter a joyful one. :smiley:

1. Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam: As with every book there are mixed reviews, but I have to say that every person I have met who has read the book and has followed the book’s advice has a baby or babies that sleep through the night and have done so from a very young age (from 8 weeks old). And yes, that includes us. We followed the Baby Wise method from the birth of our daughter, and she began sleeping uninterrupted for at least seven hours at night since she was 6 weeks old. She has been sleeping at least 9 hours for the last two months since she was three months old. Admittedly, the book’s prescriptions are hard to follow initially (the first few weeks after birth) because of some seemingly impossible tasks, but in the long term it is well worth it. Yes, a couple of times we were ready to quit, but we didn’t. Now, we are thankful we were patient.

  1. Gripe Water, a natural anti-colic remedy made by Colic Ease: Our baby was colicy and had gas problems. We tried Mylicon, Little Tummy’s, you name it, but nothing worked until her pediatrician recommended this natural water that is sold at health food stores (I have only found it at Whole Foods). This works wonders!!! :smiley: She felt better right away and we love that it is all-natural. Every time I didn’t give it to her she was fussy and irritable. I checked with a couple of pediatricians, and it is safe enough to give to your baby whenever needed and for as long as needed. The manufacturer’s website is www.colicease.com in case you can’t find it where you live.

  2. Bundle Me: We live in Colorado, so it sometimes gets very cold during the winter. A Bundle Me is a car seat wrap that keeps the baby warm. With a Bundle Me we found no need for blankets that kept falling off or jackets that you need to put on and take off every time you go somewhere.

  3. The reason for this post! Homemade saline solution: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of salt with one cup of water (just make sure it is distilled or boiled water). You can find it in this article http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/90693/5_natural_ways_to_help_decongest_a.html

I hope readers find these tips helpful. All the things I listed above helped everybody in our family to feel better rested, which has allowed us to have the best disposition for teaching and learning. :slight_smile:

My tip - buy a sling :slight_smile: whenever my son cried or needed to be carried for any reason I would just put him in the sling where he would fall a sleep. When he was sick and needed to be carried for hours it was a lifesaver

Continuum Concept - book about importance of attachment, it played a big role in shaping my parenting style

How to teach you baby to read - of course :slight_smile: Because of this book I decided to go to The Institute in Philadelphia and began schooling my son

Hi :slight_smile:
I would like share this book “What to Expect the First Year” by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg, and Sandee Hathaway, B.S.N.

This is one of the most comprehensive book on parenting babies till 12 months that I have read. It also has sections that deals with common concerns, milestones, becoming a father, first aid, newborn care, scheduled doctor visits and so on. It really helped us to sail through the first year smoothly.

Hope this helps,

Thank you anjie! :smiley: We read “What to expect when you are expecting”, but didn’t think about getting this one. It is in my list for my next order from amazon :yes:

A book I’m reading right now as a first time parent that I wish I had read before my son was born is “How Smart is Your Baby?” The title for me didn’t sound that great but it is so facinating the tools it gives you to help stimulate your baby’s brain. Because of this book I am trying to get my husband to build a crawling track and am begining already to try and find better surfaces then a blanket to get my soon working on his crawling. So far he loves my yoga mat and enjoys his tummy time so much more. From now on I am going to give this book at baby showers because I think it is so wonderful to help your baby experience the world and to decrease their frustrations in trying to communicate and get what they need out of life.


I would suggest getting the book “The Happiest Baby on the Block” by Dr. Harvey Karp. It is a lifesaver, especially on the first 3 months, the 5 S’s (Swaddling, Side / Stomach, Shhhhing, Swinging, and Sucking) reaaly helped. My daughter already slept through the night at 2 mos. Lucky mommy :wink:

I like the book “Healthy Sleep habit, happy child.” It was really helpful to me when learning about my baby’s sleep rhythm and getting into a natural routine. Sleep begets sleep, is the books motto, which I fully believe in.

“Baby 411,” is a great resource book on all things health & baby. It is an easy read, organized into sections feeding, sleeping, illness, etc. They also have a “toddler 411,” but I haven’t read it.

“Happiest Baby…” by Karp is great too.

Love the gripe water as noted above. My daughter had refulx and colic, and it helped.

A good LC and breast pump can work wonders.

Hylands teething tablets are a great homeopathic teething remedy.

I wish I would have found this site and all it’s wonderful resources when my kids were younger!
