What the children have taught us?

What the children have taught us? Share your story with this website http://www.soup4homeschoolers.com/
And please share your story with us as well.

Mother of Faith

My child has taught me that any child can learn many things but it’s up to the parents.
If the child sees that his/her parents are willing to share a lot information about himself/herself and the universe around and give the child a certain freedom to explore world (as safely as possible), the child will always ask for more. Will be curious.
In this way, the child develops wonderfully: happy, sociable, talkative etc. or with many good traits.
And the problems he/she’ll pose to his parents will be mostly regarding to his needs of learning, of broadening knowledge. (The parents will have to keep up his pace. Or he might get into trouble because of his curiosity.)

My child has taught me that happiness is in the present moments and in the simple things.
Today we’re fine, happy, playing, not tomorrow. And tomorrow worse could happen, and one of us might get ill or might not be there to comfort us… So we should control ourselves as parents, and try to balance the inner side of us, to give them an enviroment of peace, harmony, understanding, respect. Or at least show them that life isn’t one-folded or two-folded, it is very diverse. (there’s jow and sorrow, there’s also courage and fear etc.). Have fun at ourselves or laugh for no reason - that’s what they do.

My child has taught me that he deserves my respect, even though he’s just a little boy, weaker - in a way - compared to me.
He’s good at many things: he knows how to enjoy life and find different things funny and laugh, he knows how to love unconditionally, he finds new ways of using things, he learns faster than me, he’s innocent and that innocence is what I’ve lost over time and I’d like to gain back (as much as an adult can do that…)

And much more…

Not only LIFE, but CHILDREN can be very good teachers for us, too.
In life threatening situations, children fight more than adults to survive. And many times, against all odds, they do.
I’ve seen a lot of cases that prove that, including my son.


That’s wonderful, Andrea, thanks for sharing.

For me, the biggest thing my daughter has taught me is how to love unconditionally, which is an amazing feeling!

Hi Andreasro,

I whole heartedly agree with what you had said. Kids really taught us what life is all about and teach us to treasure every moment we have. They live in the present and not the past nor the future. Sometimes we worried too much about the future and neglect what we already had and be thankful for the things we have.

After having my kid, I learned to love my parents more. Now I understand how much love, time and effort that my parents had put on me just as what I am doing for my little princess now. I would said, kid make my life complete and teach me to love unconditionally :slight_smile: !