what stage is it normal to get braxton hicks?

i am currently 23+4 and i have been experiencing what feels like braxton hicks for a few days now and i was just wondering if this was normal? i never got anything like this, this early with my last pg


It is totally normal, if you are not sure, just change your activity (laying down - get up and walk; eat; take a shower), if it is braxton hicks, they will stop or change in pattern, and you do not have much to worry about. With each pregnancy your body prepares differently for labor, depending on the individual needs of that particular baby.

Make sure that you stay hydrated, – do not limit your water intake and salt to taste; dehydration can cause contractions.

Make sure you have at least 100-120 g of protein a day and vit C

If you start having contractions, you can also take a bath with Epsom Salts, it will help you to relax and get some Magnesium in your body.

Take Calcium supplement.

If you do these and have moderate activity ( no extreme overdoing, or working in extreme heat) and still have contractions on and off, braxton hiicksl then just take it as your body slowly starting to get ready for your birth. It can be totally normal! :slight_smile:

I agree, it could be normal, however I think you should always use caution. I had what I thought were braxton hicks with my dd & as it turned out, she was 3 weeks early. This is not too early, but she did have a few minor complications & I think it was really an indicator that all was not well. Skylark had some good suggestions & it never hurts to check with your Dr. Always trust your mommy instinct if it says something is wrong.

Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly

I suffered from braxton hicks contractions from 2 months with all three of my pregnancies and my first two children I had at 32 weeks, my third almost at 23 weeks, then almost at 29 weeks, then almost at 35, but made it to 37. Braxton hicks contractions early on can be a sign of premature labour and most people have no idea they are actually in labour till it’s too late. Hence why it is always best to go speak to a midwife, even if it is nothing, you are doing the best thing for your unborn child.

I think it varies from woman to woman. I felt them last pregnancy from about 25 weeks, though they were most intense from 32 weeks. I felt the first lot this pregnancy at 20 weeks and I am only 21 weeks now so still a way to go.