What spanish program is the best to start with for 1 year old????

Hi, I am not a spanish speaker but would love to start teaching my baby.Do you know any good program we can follow? I have a friend who speaks spanish and we want to meet up once a week for a spanish lesson. I promised her to find good material and she will do the work :biggrin:

thank you

My daughter loves to watch Little Pim Spanish. she will usually follow the words and pronounce .

These are the Spanish materials I am using with my daughter.

  1. Little Pim Spanish DVDs and flashcards - Their website also has these printable activities and coloring books that my daughter likes: http://www.littlepim.com/fun-games/talking-coloring-book/

  2. Whistlefritz DVDs and music CDs - My daughter loves these! They also have free lesson plans in Spanish: http://www.whistlefritz.com/homeschool.html

  3. LR spanish files and GD picture dictionaries in Spanish

  4. Spanish leveled reading books and high frequency Spanish word books from Reading A-Z - I downloaded them for free! :slight_smile: http://www.readinga-z.com/allbooks/materials_sp.html I also don’t speak Spanish so I give a few of these books every week to her daycare teacher (who speaks Spanish, French, and Italian!!!) and they have Spanish (and French) reading time everyday. Maybe you can also find some Spanish books for your friend to read to your child when they meet up.

Hope this helps! :smiley:

thank you very much for your answers. We checked Little Pim on you tube and we really liked it :yes: An also those website you gave me are fantastic!! Thank you veru much for that. Please if you find something else let me know. My browser woun’t find any good sites :wacko:
Karma to you both.

aangeles, thanks. karma to you.