What size of words for a 32 month old?

We are starting our reading program again, hopefully more consistently and fully.

My son is very active and it is hard to get him to settle for any amount of time. I can quickly flash LR words but he won’t sit for a whole session. I have to break it up into little short spurts with some playing in between.

I like the idea of incorporating phonics into his learning, so I printed out the first set of “fleschcards” from DadDude. I really liked how he approached the teaching of his son. However, I wonder if maybe these cards are a bit too small for my son. They are about one inch tall words. He picked up the YBCR cards we were doing fairly well (they are about three inches tall), but he just doesn’t seem to be moving along as quickly now.

What is your guys opinion on word size at this age?

I think any size would be fine for a child that age.

One inch should be plenty large enough for a child that age. Have you had his vision checked?

If his eyes are fine, maybe it’s the jump from 3" words to 1" words. Try making a few words that are in between and see if they work better. I believe a 150pt font is 2" tall (I could be mistaken).