What should I hand on wall that sparkling in dark?

My son is 22 mon. His head is unevenly shaped. Not very bad only I can tell as a mother. The doctor said he will be even eventually.
But half year has passed and it’s the same. He only like to sleep on one his favorate side. He doesn’t sleep on his tommy. I am thinking if there is something interesting him on the wall in the dark he might turn. What would that be?

I guess you could look for glow in the dark things that he likes. My son has stars all over his ceiling.
They make special helmets that can reshape the head. have you looked into them?

I just noticed your post and wondered if your son could have some mild torticollis. I ask because 22 months is a long time to sleep in the same position. Usually by 22 months parents aren’t still concerned about the baby’s sleeping position. Torticollis is a condition where the muscle on one side of the neck is shorter than the other side. My daughter had an acute case. Unfortunately it went undiagnosed until she was 5 months old; then she needed intensive physical therapy to correct it. My doctor didn’t pay attention to my concerns. I was told to change the baby’s sleeping position, move the car seat to the other side, etc. Then I happened to meet a physical therapist at a party. She took one look at my baby and asked who is treating the torticollis. It was that obvious to a trained eye. Does your son tend to tilt his head to one side? And is he unwilling to turn his head in one direction. You can even gently turn his head to see if you feel resistance on one side. He should have the same range of motion on both sides. Perhaps you should ask your doctor to evaluate him for it. If he is unable to turn his head without discomfort then it would cause some head flattening due to sleeping in the same position every night. If it isn’t treated early then it can be difficult to correct so get it checked soon. If he has it, a physical therapist will gently stretch the muscles and will send you home with exercise to do daily in order to increase his range of motion.

Good Luck, Lori