What next after 400 yards of crawling

My son is 10 months old now and is crawling around 400 yards daily. He is also cruising but not walking yet. I read in physically superb book that they will start walking after much cruising and walking early before 12 months also means greater IQ.

But I have been reading in other threads in this forum that crawling is very good and it is better to crawl as much as they can before they walk. Now should I aid my son’s walking by giving him more opportunity to cruise or should i give him more opportunity to crawl. Can someone help.

Go with the flow. If he’s crawling and enjoying it, let him. We know that if he’s able to stand and cruise that he’ll make the jump to walking soon enough, but when he learns how, he may still crawl for a good long while simply because it is so much faster for him.

Once he starts walking as his primary mode of transportation, there’s no going back for him, lol. So, enjoy while you still can. Continue to let him cruise as much as HE WANTS but don’t press walking. He will do it, and all things, on his own time.

At this point you should make it as easy to cruise as possible but you don’t need to encourage anything yet. Creeping is very beneficial, but it sounds like he’s doing lots on his own! Whichever he chooses at this point is the right one.

My son was walking (almost running!) by 10 months, and I didn’t really do too much. I encouraged him every once in a while, but I mostly let him be. Shortly after perfecting walking and running (only a few months) he started to do all sorts of crawling forwards, backwards, sideways etc on his own. His newest thing is crawling through things (like the bottom rails of chairs), rolling all over the place, dancing, and throwing himself cautiously over the back of the couch and his small arm chair. (No worries, our couches are free standing and away from windows.)

I haven’t read physically superb, but I have read a lot of posts referencing it, and my little guy got there mostly on his own. I had to teach him kicking, but really, I think LR did that for me. lol.

Have you made progress in other areas like brachiating?

Thanks all for your suggestions. I was not following Doman method literally when it comes to physical excellence. But I gave him enough tummy time.

Its very difficult to predict his mood for brachiation. He will hang from our hands only when he is in perfect mood, which is very hard to predict for us. But he likes it. I am yet to set up a dowel across the doorway. Would appreciate if anyone can share what they did. I am planning to put an adult sized chinup bar across the doorway. Unfortunately it is too big for his little hands, but we dont have any other choice right now.

Any suggestions for brachiation ladder.

I share the same problem but my son is now 14months. He happily crawls ,cruises and almost runs using the push carts all around the house but somehow is not confident enough to take the first step. I too have been worrying but at times i feel there will be no looking back once he makes his first step so wait and go with the flow.

We built a bar for hanging with some very inexpensive brackets that we bought at the hardware store. I think they cost about $2.00 each. We bought a length of appropriate sized dowel & set it in place. It cost less than $10 & took less than 5 minutes to install.

kmum, can you please share the photo of your hanging bar.

Will do but I’ll have to get to a computer first. I can’t figure out how to do it on my phone. :biggrin:

Oh, & for the crawling question, we encouraged dd to crawl as long as possible. Once kids are walking they don’t want to go back to crawling. Better to get all the crawling in that you can now.

Hopefully these pics show up It is a very simple set up. One of the white plastic brackets is open at the top so that the dowel can be removed when not needed - ours is in the doorway of the pantry so it can’t stay there all of the time. The brackets are stronger than they look. My older dd is almost 100 lbs & she hangs from one that I have higher up on the wall.

Sorry, my 2nd pic is sideways lol Hopefully you can still see it. If you need any pics from a different angle, let me know.

Thanks for sharing kmum.