What? My boy laughing at LM?

I can’t believe it. My boy was actually laughing while watching LM equations. He usually just tolerates LM or any kind of math (we have dot cards, too). We’ve done the dots to 100 (although I don’t test him, so I have no idea what he has learned). We’ve also done +, -, x, and division. I was just reviewing some addition and subtraction equations using LM. I had turned off the sound and was running the program on auto forward at 0.4 seconds, with longer breaks between equations. He just watched them and chuckled and told him brother (who was nearby) to look, too. Doing 10 equations at that speed is like nothing, and he wanted more. I think we did about 50 equations while we laughed with joy. I finally told him he was done. Oh, he wanted more! So, I stopped. Doman says to keep them wanting more, right?

Guess I just wanted to brag on LM. :biggrin:

Its a nice feeling isn’t it when we know that our kids really enjoy what we teach them… :smiley: My kid gives a big smile when he sees the logo on the screen and is all smiles throughout the session. I have just started LM with him. Hope to keep this interest going!

You really have a lot of patience, I must say, for not having tested him so long!! How long have you been doing LM with your son? Doman says you can do problem-solving sessions after finishing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisions. Now that you have finished them and now that your son really likes what he sees, why don’t you try a prob-solving session and let us know how it went. Just curious! :slight_smile:


heh, thanks for sharing! :biggrin: :biggrin:

My boy is laughing at LM again. This time he brought his cars to the desk and lined them up so they could watch LM. I set the icons to “transportation” and let his cars watch LM. He thought that was great! I then told him we had to stop, but he wanted more. So, we switched to LR. :laugh:

P.S. Questers, I tried testing him, but he looked quite disgusted at me. He really dislikes being tested. I’ll hold up two cards and ask, but he’ll point to both, or point to one then the other. Twice he sighed resignedly and pointed to the right answer, but I can’t always tell if it is by chance, or if I unconsciously cued him. Anyway, we are back to just giving and not asking. LM makes doing math hardly any work at all, and for now he is enjoying it. :slight_smile:


I’m quite new to right brain training. Appreciate if you can advise what is LM and LR. Seems like you have a DVD programme for training your kid? Where can i get it?

Thanks alot! ;p

Please see the link at the top of the page that says learning systems to learn more and purchase them, if you wish.

Dear yoko,

LM is the Little Math program and LR is the Little Reader program. They are computer programs. You can click on the “Learning Systems” button at the top (like nhockaday said), or you can even click on the picture (of the cute baby or red dots) on the top right. :slight_smile:

Hi THen and nhockaday,

Thanks for the advise. Is the programme useful in your experience?

My oldest chuckles at the baby faces. He gets so happy. “Babies,” he says! :slight_smile:

Dear yoko,

For my boy, the programs have been very helpful. I started with nomral flashcards, but they did not hold his attention. And it was a lot of work to make them and keep track of them. On the computer, we are able to have nice pictures to go along with words (in LR). My boy especially likes the pictures.

The programs have been especially helpful in math. He did not like using flashcards (red dots). And, I am not fast enough for him when I do flashcards by hand. Some babies like having cards they can touch, but my baby seems to like the computer.

The programs are easy to use (even easier, now that they added curriculum). For me, the programs are useful. :slight_smile:

My boy likes the babies, too. I just figured out (while reviewing numbers) that we can have the icons mixed. I had LM set on mixed transportation and he thought that was wonderful. I love hearing my baby laugh. :biggrin:

You really should video it and share it with us!! :slight_smile: