What is your el routine?

Inquiring minds want to know, or at least this one does :slight_smile: about your el routine, if you have one, and how often you stick with it, and how you feel this has impacted your el ‘success’. Also, did you switch it around as your child entered another age or stage of development, and if so, when and how? Thanks!

I have a 30 month son and a 11 month DD daugther. I usually

To my son, the focus is on reading, both English and Chinese (he has completed 80% of the math with doman method). I give him one session on reading in the morning after he gets up. If time permits and he is happy to go on, I continue with some EK too. Basically it is using flashcards and LR. The session lasts for about 15 minutes. During the breadfast time and preparation for outdoor play, he listens to different types of music.

Then he has 2 hours play time in the park or playground or anywhere nice and suitable for children before lunch. After lunch and break, I give him another session on reading by flashcards and story telling. The length could vary from 10 minutes to 40 minutes depending on his interest and mood etc. If he does not want a nap, then he does drawing or plays puzzles or builds blocks or just plays whatever he likes.

Before dinner, he watches educational DVD for about 30 minutes. So I can take a break to cook. Then from 7pm, I give him another session for about 40 minutes including flashcards, math,LR, EK , story telling and / or review whatever we have missed during the day.

I try to stick to it every day. But practically it is effected by many factors as you can imagine. I would say overall we are strictly following it probably 4 days a week. Then in the remaining 3 days, there are 1 or 2 sessions done. I always try to “complete” something even not 100% target can be met so basically I rarely have one day that we do nothing.

My son has got used to getting new info everyday. So I can see he is learning quicker and quicker now than when I started the formal EL education 10 months ago. And he is at the age of starting to express deeper thoughts so sometimes what he knows or talks really surprises me.

I started EL with my daughter when she was 4 months. Daily routine is almost the same but bit shorter as she is not at the age to ask for more yet.