What is your baby obsessed with?

Anyone else have a little one that is obsessed with something? Matteson has two things that she just goes crazy about:

  1. Paper - dosen’t matter what kind, newspaper, toilet paper, tissue, receipt from the grocery…she has to have it and within thirty seconds, she’s eating it!! She will throw a fit, particularly in the store, if she sees the paper in your hand and you don’t give it to her! :smiley: It makes shopping from a list quite impossible! And then if I’m not quick enough and she manages to get it into her mouth, she starts chewing on it like gum! Then another fit ensues while I’m trying to get the wad of paper out of her mouth so she dosen’t choke on it!! :tongue:

  2. The Dog dishes!! We can not put her on the floor anywhere near the kitchen where the dogs are fed or she makes a bee line for the dishes! I can understand the attraction of playing in thier water…but she also likes to eat the kibble!! UGH!! :blink: We’ve begun to put up blockades to the food and she does her darndest to find her way around them! I guess I can look at it good problem solving skills…but geesh! Dog food?? :confused:

Gabriel also loves paper. He loves holding it. I often give him coupons, or lists or business cards to hold in stores, but if I have to take it away (which is not easy; he has a death grip), I have to quickly replace it with some other sort of paper or he’ll have a fit. He also likes anything that crinkles. Cellophane, plastic bags (I know, I know, but I supervise him. He doesn’t put them near his head), wrappers.
He loves cell phones or anything that I am holding.

Our babies are virtually triplets arent they? (born virtually the same day, given where in the world we are compared to each other). I have the paper obsession too, and the mobile phone… which she dribbles and drools all over, and until it all dries properly people ring me and keep saying 'hello, hello" as they cant hear me yelling back “speak, for goodness sakes, I can hear you!!!” I keep her well away from the cat food… she is obsessed with the computer keyboard too. One good thing is she loves her new toothbrush…that’s a good obsession.

You’ll probably relate to this… PENS! Writing implements of any kind… she tries to grab them off me… I have to hide them. Then when I need to write something down I cant find anything to write with.

Pulling hair and the cats tail. And she has a shoe fetish. Being as shoes are at her eye level, she loves them. She plays with them and eats them, and I have to keep hiding them from her.

Benji 20mths : Dogs water bowl -paddles hands in it and flips water over the floor - he stands in it - particularly when just dressed ready to go in car - result wet clothes to knee.

The dogs have to be fed out in the yard now - dog bowls too attractive.

Removing contents of kitchen drawers and cupboards onto the floor - one of these days we will get round to fitting on the clever childproof door catches which were put in a safe place.

Joseph 2yrs 9mths Stroking the cat from tail to head he says she is wagging her tail cos he loves her :unsure:

Matthew 3yrs 9mths Grocery receipts which he keeps in an old cereal carton and woe betide anyone who tries to throw them away - the best ones are the really long ones-he rolls them all up together. His other obsession is his cotton ‘chewing’ (eugh) blanket - he can’t sleep without it.

My little one is obsessed with magazines. He just loves to tear them apart. He’s nice to them at first, but then the crinkling starts and then he starts tearing the pages out. I’ve had to make sure that any magazine that comes into the house is put up high until we are done with it so that he can’t destroy it before we read it!

I forgot, he’s also obsessed with flushing the toilet. We’re potty training and he thinks that’s the best part. Now he just wants to go into the bathroom to flush the toilet… :confused:

My son simply wants to hold something with his hand, may it be a rattle, toy, lollipop and maraca, etc. from morning when he wakes up until he sleeps in the night. That’s more 10 hours. He will only exchange the item with another only if he likes it.