What is the Scope and Sequence of Doman AND Little Math?

I’m a bit baffled, I didn’t get a chance to read How To Teach Your Baby Math in its entirety yet, I remember taking it out from the library, but I didn’t finish it, how ever, I do NOT remember this info being in the book, so forgive me if this is a silly question, but how long does the Doman program last, assuming one were doing it by the book 2-3x daily?

Approximately how many weeks/months?

Using the idea that you start with quantities 1-20 and then begin arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/)
Then you do 2 weeks of each operation while adding in more quanties, that leads me to say that arithmetic and quantities take about 10-12 weeks. (2.5-3 months)

But I know that is only the “basic” Doman program, since I didn’t calculate in all the things like equations, fractions, numerals, equations with numerals, etc.

Can anyone tell me the given length of the Doman program if you wanted to do the whole program?
Arithmetic, equations, fractions, numerals, multiple step problems, et?

Also, I’m looking at the 6month vs 12 month curriculum for Little Math and I’m just confused…I’m not very sure there is a point of there being a 2nd semester of LM…

[tr][td]THE 6 Month $119.00COURSE COVERS:

Quantity lessons up to 100
Numeral lessons up to 100
Counting forward
Counting backward
Quantity recognition (random icon placement)
Skip counting (grid icon placement)
Random quantities and numerals (within a range)
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Simple equation lessons introducing one number at a time
Advanced equation lessons involving any number up to 100
Review lessons every Friday



Quantity lessons up to 100
Numeral lessons up to 100
Counting forward
Counting backward
Quantity recognition (random icon placement)
Skip counting (grid icon placement)
Random quantities and numerals (within a range)
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Simple equation lessons introducing one number at a time
Advanced equation lessons involving any number up to 100
[i]Progression from two-step up to five-step equations
Equations involving mixed operations[/i]
Review lessons every Friday


Is there anything else that is included in the extra 6months of lessons besides those 2 things that are listed?
Is there a video demo on Youtube of the lessons or anything that I could view? I’d like to see a few examples of the progression from 2-5 step equations, also the equations involving mixed operations. Is there a sample of schedule for those next 6 months?

For example, by week, what concepts are being taught in each semester?

It doesn’t seem like it should take 6 months to teach a baby all the things on the 6month list, but am I the only one who feels that 12 months might be overkill, especially for just multiple step equations?


Can one of the mods chime in here and explain this to us (or maybe just me?)
If I were to do a full doman program with my baby, then could I simply pay $40 to have access 2nd semester of LM so that I could automate equations or such, since there would be no real need for me to buy LM semester 1.

Are there plans to develop the LM program to be more comprehensive or to cover more?
I’m trying to figure out if the extra $40 and 6 months

Hmm… seems like our descriptions need to be revised slightly.

Sem 1 is much more focused on numbers (including skip counting). Math equations get introduced, but division is not included in Sem 1.

Sem 2 finishes off the division equations for math, but starts to go into multistep and mixed equations.

Does it take 12 months to teach those concepts? Who really knows for sure, especially when all children are different and the children doing LM might be of different ages. We try to keep math lessons short, and with review lessons, and different presentations of the lessons (like random placement vs grid placement vs numerals) we felt it was an appropriate pace for the curriculum.

Apart from the sample videos we have, we currently don’t have any other videos showing all types of lessons, but it’s not really very difficult to imagine.

There certainly are plans to expand on LM. One feature I’ve mentioned before is the addition of the abacus function. There will be other features too which uses different methods to teach basic math in a more traditional, left brain way. When will we release them? Not anytime soon, I’m afraid, but hopefully not too long after the release of Little Musician.

Hmm…So, you don’t even finish basic arithmetic with in the first 6 months?
If you were to follow the LM curriculum without tweaking anything, how long does it take to introduce each new concept? On what days are each set introduced?

Where is the curriculum scope and sequence/outline…

I’m hoping for something like this:
By Day 4X quantities 0-50 have been shown,
On Day 4Y addition begins, quantities continue
On Day 7X addition with single and double digit numbers have been shown. Quanty 0-100 has been taught.
On Day 7Y Subtraction begins,

I’ve looked at and watched through the entire free trial (3x) but it only goes for 10 days and in those 10 days the program only teaches quantity, but it doesn’t give a any idea of what the middle and ends of the program are like…

If anyone has bought the LM program, could you please chime in? Just sort of peer into the middle, and end of semester one and/or two and give us a quick over view of the program.

Anyone know about the Doman program? I’m going to get the book from the library ASAP and check it out…

Hey, does LM come, automatically with Chinese as an option? In the LM demo, you can play the lessons also in Chinese, but when I look for the Chinese Add on for LM, I see only the Chinese Add On for LR…is it because LM is already Bilingual? (Chinese and English?)

Also, can someone please responds and tell me about Doman Math?