What is the Native Method of learning to read?

Can someone please explain the native method and how to do it?

Thanks so much!

The following link has an extensive and elaborate discussion about the native reading method:



Thanks for the link Questers! Great read

Since that thread was started, we put an article on Native Reading on the BrillBaby site:


I like how this method sounds, it seems like it would work for certain children but there is a conflict with the Doman method which says that the print has to be large. If you read the child ordinary books, and point to the words, I’m not sure all kids will be able to see them. Also, if you don’t choose the right books with the right type of illustrations I could imagine that it would be harder to teach context, even though not much slips by a baby.

Also, my baby is more like his second child Freya, he has no patience to allow me to sit there and read more than 1-2 pages of a book. I have started pointing to the words, and he has started calming a bit. This morning he even brought me the nursery rhyme book to read to him, but again only let me read one page until he got his own ideas about what he wanted to do with the book.

When pointing, remember that in native reading text pointing is a bit different than what most parents tend to do. I posted a long quote from the book on text pointing a while back, it’s in the thread:


It may seem like a subtle difference but I think it’s important.

Btw, you’re not alone in having difficulty getting your little one to sit still for flashcards. I never used flashcards. One of the things I liked best about native reading is that the methods are flexible and socially interactive. Many of the techniques and games in the “Native Reading” book are social, and encourage movement and manipulation of letter toys and words. That’s one of the big differences compared to flashcard methods and YBCR videos. My daughter was also very active and liked to grab things and be physical, and with native reading she used this to her advantage - playing word hide and seek, playing at labeling things around the house - rather than having her curiosity and energy be a problem.

I’m glad I read that post jtg! Karma to you! I am definitely going to incorporate pointing to the words on the page consistently. Sometimes when I do do that, the baby imitates me which is very cute to me. I think I am learning more and more each day!