What is the age cut off...

What is the age when the Doman method is no longer effective? I know it probably says in the book but I have yet to receive it. (It’s on order at the library)

Just curious. I have a 5 yo daughter that I feel is at a bit of a disadvantage due to several issues involving immunizations, seizures, and medication. (It’s a whole other story) She is really making strides in Kindergarten but would love to give her more assistance.

So… any advice for older children?

Well, Doman is mostly about making the most of the first six years of life because by the time a child is six, 90% of his brain is developed, and because during this time kids learn faster and easier than at any other time in their life.

However five is NOT to young to learn using Doman type teaching. Five-year-olds learn MUCH faster than eight-year-olds, and eight-year-olds learn much faster than fifteen-year-olds, and fifteen-year-olds learn much faster than forty-year-olds.

She will not be able to absorb information at the lightening speed of a two-year-old, so whatever you teach you may have to go a little slower and go back to it more often to help her remember, but she can still learn very quickly. She can easily learn foreign languages, music, reading, math, and encyclopedic knowledge, you will just need to go at a little slower pace.

Another thing I would HIGHLY recommend would be the How to Teach Your Baby to Be Physically Superb by Glenn Doman. If she has any developmental problems, than the physical activities described in this book will help her immensely. She is NOT over the hill for this one - I know of programs for teenagers and adults alike that involve physical activities, such as crawling, tumbling, running, and brachiating that can help you at ANY age. Physical movement rewires the brain - it is SO important to intelligence. Learning disabilities have been cured, attention problems, stress, social problems, etc.

Here are some websites that use physical activity to develop your child’s brain:

http://www.parentswithpurpose.com/approach/approach.htm this is a very good description of why physical activity is so important

http://www.playwisely.com/ is a sort of baby gym type thing, but they have great videos on here about why physical movement is important

These websites are just an introduction but if you want to learn about physical activities you can do with your child, I heartily recommend the book by Doman - it tells you everything that YOU can do AT HOME with very little supplies and finances.

You also might want to look into What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child by Glenn Doman. I’m pretty sure that they have information about detoxifying, which if your child has been vaccine injured is a must. It may also help you recognize any other neurological problems that may have resulted from the vaccines.

I hope this helps! God bless you and your daughter I hope that you find all the information you need to help her reach her potential.

Thank you so much for the information! It is reassuring to know that she is not “over the hill” yet lol

I think I will start on some work with her. I have noticed that she is very interested whenever I do any LR work with her little brother.

I will definitly look at the physically superb book. I was under the impression that it was just for babies who haven’t started crawling yet. So I will look into it.

Numbers and counting are a bit of an issue for her right now. Do you think I should expose her to the dots method or just flash the actual numbers for her? Or I guess I should just try both.

She has a hard time putting the numbers in order, so do think I should always keep them in order for her?

Again thank you so much. I really have enjoyed your site as well! It’s wonderful what you are doing for your little man.

You might try doing dot cards from 0 to 10 or even 0 to 20 with her - this will probably help her grasp the concept of QUANTITIES rather than just abstract symbols. And once she understand the concept of “two” and “six” and “ten” (via dot cards) she will have no problem keeping them in order because she will be able to SEE that three is one more than two, nine is one less than ten, etc. Look at the posts on the math section for more thoughts on teaching older children math.

But no, about the physically superb book, it is labeled for children from birth to six but the activities can be used to improve the functions of people of ANY age (just like they do on parents with purpose, and many other such organizations). Of course it is meant to start at birth but older children can benefit too. My son is three and a half and we do the physical activities described in that book every day, like vestibular activities (activities that stimulate the vestibular, or balance, portion of the brain such as spinning, walking a balance beam, log rolls, somersaults, etc.) crawling, creeping, and brachiating (monkey bars) to aid in neurological organization and development, as well as doing a running program (children on their program often can run three miles nonstop before they are four years old). So there are lots of things you can do with your child, and reading the book will help you understand brain development in a whole new way - that the brain grows from USE, not by a pre-set alarm clock, and that physical activity is nature’s way of growing the brain.

It would be great to get for your nine-month-old, too, I saw in another post that you had some questions about his crawling. I would heartily recommend the book if you can get your hands on one - it’s worth it’s weight in gold!

I guess I’m going to have to bite the bullet and buy the book. they don’t have it available through our Library >:(

Off to search for it now…

Yeah, that’s too bad - I borrowed it from the library which was nice. Do you do inter-library loans? If not, it’s only $19.77 on amazon.com, and the great thing about amazon is that if you buy only $25 worth of stuff, you get free shipping which always saves a ton! So if you stuck another book in there you could get free shipping, not bad. Wow, sorry, this whole line of posts has sounded like a sales pitch, too bad I don’t sell them and don’t make any money off them, lol. I don’t try to be sounding like I only want to be getting out information to buy stuff, but there is just SO much information in that book that I couldn’t even begin to explain (at least without several months of writing!) I just hope you will find all the information you need to help your children, that’s what’s really important. God bless!

Amazon also has a deal with most of their books. I think it’s buy 5 get the 6th free. So you can get free shipping and a free book if you buy enough. Just make sure they all qualify.

I found one on Amazon for around $9 but it has an older publication date. Do you think it matters? Is it the same book?

i don’t really know, the one I use from the library is the 1988 publication (which I believe is when it first came out). I know that for the reading book there were some major changes, like in the original they recommended starting at 18 months of age and testing to make sure the baby knew each word before moving on, and teaching far less words at once, like 5 instead of their current recommendation which is like 25. Most of that was just because they didn’t know any better, they didn’t realize that three-month-olds could actually learn to read words and that a kid could learn so many at once.

However, I don’t think there have been any changes to the physical excellence book, so you should be good. And even if there are, the one I used is great and it’s the earliest publication they have! But really I think the book is still in its first edition, so you should be fine.