what good early learning books do you know of?

I recommend all the Glenn Doman books, and also How to Raise a brighter child by Joan beck.
Ken adams book “Your child can be a genius” is great…gives you ideas for ages birth to 6 or so.

Dr robin Fancourt’s book “brainy babies…build and develop your babies intelligence” is ok, and “you can teach your child to read” by adrienne Katz is full of useful and varied ideas.

Dr Miriam stoppard has a guide and daily activity plans in her “baby play and learn” pack, and also a good book “Test Your child… how to discover and enhance your child’s true potential”. We dont want to TEST them in any sort of pressure way, just observe them to see their strengths and weaknesses, to guide them better.

Pamela Richardson has a good book for pre-schoolers… “FUN learning for littlies” with lots of activities to do.

And dr wendy s masi has “Toddler Play” a gymboree book with ideas for physical stimulation.

Thanx Nikita.You gave us all such a nice information.

We have a links to books somewhere on the site. Needs to be updated because there are many more. Will make a list of all the books we have here in our library soon!