what do you say in your own language when... (including english, please)

  1. you change LO’s diaper
  2. you breastfeed him/her
  3. you want LO to be quiet
  4. you want LO to play on her own
  5. you want LO to eat (food)
  6. you want to take her out



Can you give an example of what exactly you are looking for, I am not quite clear…


I speak English and French with my two month old.

!. Diaper change - always French: “Couche-toi pour une nouvelle couche.” (Lay down for a new diaper.)
2. Breastfeeding - random things, here are some examples: “Tu as faim?” (You’re hungry?) “Je t’entends” (I hear you [eating - when she’s slurping]) “Tu manges beaucoup” (You’re eating so well).
3. Quiet - mostly shhh, shhh, shhh, or ohh, ohh, but sometimes: “Je sais” (I know [followed by what made her cry if I know]) and “Ca va” (It’s OK),

Then with my toddler, also both languages.
4. Play on her own - I call it “blanket time” if she’s going to play in a confined area or “room time” or “nap time” if she’s in her room: “Mommy’s going to take a nap now; you don’t have to sleep, but you have to stay in your room. I love you! See you at __ o’clock!” Or for Blanket Time: “Mommy’s going to read her scriptures now. You stay on the blanket and play with these special toys until the timer dings.”
5. Eating - she’s just part of the adult conversation now, but when she started, I helped her feed herself Montessori-style and narrated: “Here’s your food! Eat the nice ___. Yum, yum! You got the spoon to your mouth! Do you want some water?”
6. I assume you mean time-out? “That’s too bad. Looks like you need to go to your room for a minute.” in a sympathetic voice. We used “This is so sad,” but then she started saying “I’m not sad!” when she fell and bumped her head or things like that, so we switched. In French, “C’est domage! Tu dois aller a ta chambre.” If you mean leaving an activity, “We have to go because it’s time for lunch/baby sister is sad/etc. Would you like to leave now or in two minutes?” Then after two minutes, “OK, two minutes are up! Let’s go!”

In Spanish

  1. you change LO’s diaper Voy a cambiarte tu pañal
  2. you breastfeed him/her: ¿Tienes hambre? ¿Tienes ganas de comer?
  3. you want LO to be quiet Estáte quieto/a, por favor
  4. you want LO to play on her own Ahora te toca a jugar tú solito/a. Mamá tiene que…
  5. you want LO to eat (food) Bébete el biberon, cariño. Aquí viene el avión and the mummy makes the noise of the plane
  6. you want to take her out ??? I do not understand what you mean

We’ve been trying to use ASL with our son from the beginning so I think that impacts how we ask him questions about his basic needs. I tend to have a running dialogue with him for much of the day but I keep questions about his needs very simple. I thought that if I didn’t make it complicated he might be able to access the language much sooner and be able to tell us what we needed. He hasn’t really signed at us although I did see him practice the sign for “milk” while watching a signing video once. He has, however, clearly understood the meaning of the signs for quite some time.

  1. Sign for “diaper change”/“change” or speak: “Would you like a diaper change?”
  2. Sign “hungry” followed by “milk.” Rarely, “Would you like some milk?” or “Are you hungry?”
  3. Perhaps this is his age (seven months) but we don’t use this yet.
  4. Sign “play.” Oftentimes we don’t even ask the question we simply place him on the floor.
  5. Sign “eat.” I’m not sure if he understands this one yet as we only use “eat” for solids and he’s not eating a lot of them yet. Plus our introduction of solids tends to be spontaneous. As in, “Oh. He’s old enough for tofu now let’s give him a piece of scrambled tofu and see how he likes it,” etc.
  6. “Would you like to go for a walk?” followed by the sign for “walk.” I don’t get to use this often, though, because we use a carrier and I tend not to ask him before I’ve got the carrier in hand and he’s usually already excited because he loves walks and knows what it means when I take the carrier out.

thank you all for your replies. this is what i am looking for:)