What do you look for in children's books?

I am self-publishing some childrens books since I am not happy with what’s out there as far as having big enough print, etc Each page will have big font, mostly lowercase letters and not a ton of overly graphic pictures. What would you like to see in a children’s book? Are there books out there that you love the format of?

My grandson likes all books especially with animal figures. Almost everyday he wants me to read Brown Bear, brown Bear what do yo see and the Polar and Panda Bear too.
I think that books have to be simple and at an early age (he is 29 month old) a lot of repetition helps, especially since english is not his first language.
Hope it helps.

I guess I’m asking about books that you use to underline the font when you’re reading for older kids (or even if they’re trying to read themselves while you underline). Mine is tired of the board book and wants to move on to the hardback paper books. I always struggle with having to switch hands with the book so I can turn pages and underline the words while holding my 22month old. In the poll above I have listed a few different options on places for font. I’m just wondering if people have a preference or if they’ve run into the same problem I have (perhaps I’m really uncoordinated), or even if they’ve found books that have worked. The other problem i’ve had is underlining the words and covering up most of the picture so my kid is trying to get me to move so he can see both. My kid loved brown bear too! He’s just bored of it now is all… and frankly wont really look at board books very much any more :o(

Anyway, any suggestions on preference would be wonderful. Thanks for your time!

I create my own as well. For my child I pick a book that has a short sentence, not to many colors, nothing tiny big basic pictures, with black text that is normally 18 to 20 font size and I usually pick comic scans or printed bold font. I like my books to be 7.5 x 7.5 or larger. Although my 1 year old likes smaller books. I also use a self publishing company myself for non-board books www.lulu.com I have not yet found a company here in the US who will publish board books for me. I know they are out there but where?
If you want to make the books water proof brush on Decoupage, and if you want to make the wipe off books use contact paper that comes from the kitchen supplies, not the laminate for books, it doesn’t hold up well for a toddler. You can check out the posts that I have posted on here about board book making, and so on. I have a video as well.
Here lately I have been using photographs for my illustrations, and of course I draw my own as well. Remember though when publishing books you have to abide by the copyrights of the photos and pictures even if it is just for yourself, some people are really strict about that sort of thing. That’s why I end up drawing mine or purchasing photos or clip art that I can use. Some clip art that you purchase you can only use for personal use not for publishing books. Just thought I would warn you before you begin. It can be a battle.

I always look for a book that has repetition and rhyming, easy flow readers is what I call them. Also you may want to think about placing a small thin border around the page, some books that I have are like that and mine seems to notice the content inside the box better then just having a picture on a white background. I like to make a book that has one picture of photo per page, and lots of times I will place the text on the opposite side. Soemtimes having to many things on one page is destracting for some children.

Also I have read some books that have the word no! in them, well my son does not like that word. I think the book read; Do elephants wear pants? No! well my son just throws those books on the ground, so we don’t use those.

What I would like to see more on the market is the picture word books. It is where there is a picture and then the word under it, I think the program Boardmaker has the clip art for that, I have used if for many years.

Sorry I was typing in between yours. Let’s see… I like my text to be on the left and my picture to be on the right, but while you are holding your 22 month old. This is what I do I have my 23 month old sit in between my legs on the floor, we have a story book place set up in his room, there he knows he has to sit in between my legs, my arms goes around him on each side, and the book goes in between his legs. Grant it take some time to get the hang of sitting but he now sits and pats on the carpet for me to sit with him to read.

Sounds like our kids are about the same age :o) Mine has realized that to keep me in his room at night before leaving that all he needs to do is ask for another book. lol. not sure how he figured that one out but somehow he realized that mommy wants to read to him! I will definately try your trick sitting him in front of me.

Do you prefer board books over paperbooks at this age?

I know what you mean about the “No!” thing…I was reading Green Eggs and Ham the other day and had never noticed the negative words in it before and suddently had visions of my child who right now eats anything, suddently being like, no, I will not eat that, I will not eat that sam i am! when i’m trying to feed him or "i do not like that food, etc! I do love the book for it’s repetitiveness though. I’m trying to figure out if I just overthink the negative thing or the good vs. evil thing. I asked a group of mothers (who’s kids are much older) recently about when they introduced their kids to the bad guys in books, or let them watch movies with bad guys…every disney movie, book, etc has a good and bad character. They looked at me like, well, in life there is always opposition and it teaches them the difference between bad and good. So since then i’ve been like hmmmmmm… maybe I think about it too much. I dont know. But really does anyone else have the same thoughts? Is anyone careful about what age they introduce their kid to the bad guys? I just don’t want him to have nightmares at a young age. And don’t worry, he doesn’t watch movies right now, he’s still too young, I just think about things too far ahead. :o)

some good food for thoughts girls.

My baby is 14 month old so it’s early yet but you have made me aware of a few good things. I will definitely watch out for negative words and movies now.

Suppose we have to introduce good and bad to them later, not sure when and how though.

I’m frustrated with available books out there, been thinking of making boods myself but not sure if I can afford it. What would the cost be like to publish one’s own book please?

I like the book not too heavy that the child can not even lift it (my baby likes to flip through the books herself). I like big big words like we teach them word by word following Doman’s method. or at least near the size. I like the collection of words be the words we have been teaching them (to start with). I like bright colour in good contrast with the background but not too much details, but not too plain either. I think picture on left page, words on the right page would be good. Words only with picture pull out or slide out would be good too. At my baby’s age, I would like round edge for the book with thick pages (maybe not like boardbook but thick enough not to accidentally hurt her nor easy to rip off, and easy to flip through pages).

I don’t know the cost of printing your own book, but, since I’ve had my frustrations with the books out there, I’ve decided to publish my own books along with some other cool things that I was looking for when I started this whole process of teaching my child and couldn’t find out in the market. I will let you know when they are manufactured and I get my business going. MotherofFaith has some great ideas for creating your own books, the books I am making I will have to order in large quantities so that is probably not what you are looking for.

I should also add that my mom ordered books at www.lulu.com for her grandkids last year for the holidays and they just adore them!

My son hates the thin pages, he gets frustrated (something we are working on) when he can’t turn the pages, my son is still little though, 2 yrs old.
I understand about introducing the bad guys, I have taught many children at different age levels. In my opinion my little one doesn’t know what is right and what is wrong yet. As far as primary grades I like to read the character building books instead of the good verses the bad theme. sometimes a child can get confused becasue they themselves still yet do not know bad verses good, they only know what we tell them is bad or good. Guidance counceller can help you get the materials you need, there are tons of character building books with puppets, and there are some Bible character based books at www.hubbardscupboard.org she has a 4 year old curriculum on character building. I myself am going to use it when my child is ready, maybe at 5 instead of 4, because I plan on introducing the Bible Characters first then their life, etc. We will advace to non-board books around 3-4 ish.
Right now for our lesson readers I crop them to 2 pages per sheet and cut in half, then Decopouge them to a file folder, I add pages inside the file folder with stabling the white insert pages then hot gluing them in the file folder, then Decopouge the pages in order, and Dec. on top of the pages, sometimes i make file folder books half size. My son loves these, and he can take them whereever he goes and they are waterproof, plus I make action figures to go along with the book with Velcro.

[quote author=mother of faith link=topic=5965.msg35039#msg35039 date=1245333859]
My son hates the thin pages, he gets frustrated (something we are working on) when he can’t turn the pages, my son is still little though, 2 yrs old.
I agree woth Mother of Faith
My baby girl 15 months old doesn’t like them either, she just throws them in the floor and find another book that doesn’t have thin pages.
She likes very colorful books,baby books, animals book(she has a fascination for animals!!!).
I also like books where there is a sentence in one page…not to many words, because she gest bored and turns the next page.

If you want to do book making on your own may I suggest to purchase a thermal binding machine that holds up to 2 inches of thickness. My hubby bought me one, and it is so easy to create a hard bound or soft cover book using the premade glue strips and hard binding. I create my own covers and everything. I can print in full color, and bind the book a lot cheaper then anyone I have found, even our local copy stores. I use photo paper for the covers. I have my books in several libraries and in our local book stores. If you plan on doing a lot of publishing I would see about getting one. I think he paid around 120.00 -200.00 from Fellows. I love mine and it is fast to use. I haven’t tried creating a board book with it yet, but i plan on it.
A full color book that is 14 pages of 8x11 is about 2 or 3.00 to make not counting the time so if you do a 5x8 book it is 1.50 a book. I use an inkjet printer, recycled paper, and purchase the premade glue strips or the premade hard bound spines that goes with my machine, and photo paper for the cover. I do books for people here all the time.
if you go through lulu.com and others you have to pay double that plus shipping and it is expensive after that in my opinion, since we do our book publishing for our childrens ministry.

go to http://www.mybinding.com/.sc/ms/dd/ee/46870/Fellowes-TB450-Two-Inch-Capacity-Thermal-Binding-Machine?gclid=CJP23Knu6ZcCFQJNagodBUzFDg


Just one tip please be careful with book publishers out there. I have had a book of mine stolen. My recipes were published without my permission by a former employee at the publishers office. I have had also a childrens book stolen as well 3 years ago, so please be aware of even the self publishers or publishers who want to publish your book but it will cost you 2000.00 for example, be careful please. my thoughts publish as ebooks to get money but publish in print your self. I have done it for many years now, so i know you can to.

Will do. Thanks for the advice and the link :o)

i like words on left because i like to read the sentence and then look at the picture. i prefer the page with writing to have nothing else and to be on a white background.

I like the print on the right because I am right handed. It is easier to point to the words without covering up the picture. I also prefer bold writing. I have found a few books with big writing but few with thick bold font and good contrast. My baby is 15 months and won’t allow me to read board books to her. I read picture books aloud and she reads the board books herself. At this point I would not buy a board book. The “Spot” books are made with what ollks like cardstock. We like that the best.

I like the Maisy books and the Spot books. Both have big print and only a few words per page. The illustrations are simple and bold like the font.

I would like to see more kids books with words/sentences on both pages and then you have to flip the page to see any pictures. The words/sentences should be big, clear, bold font (similiar to LR but maybe not as big). The pages with words on them should be clean; basic one colour background no pictures or other distractions. The children can then focus on reading, without any visual clues which might encourage them to guess and not read. Then, they can flip the page and enjoy looking at the related picture.

I have found a few books that are called ‘Sturdy Paper’ books. The paper is similiar to a glossy cardstock; thicker than paper, but not as thick as a board book. It is a nice compromise and dd can manage them easily without tearing them.

I also feel uncoordinated trying to point to the words while holding dd and the book. I prefer books that are not too big and heavy for me to hold up with one hand.

I like to look for variety in childrens books-lift the flap, board, paper… though I would love to have the words on left and picture on right side. I am not comfortable with books which have very absurd characters like talking telephone or which are very fantasy oriented. I learnt my lesson about reading through each book carefully and thinking about it from my childs point of virew from this book called Yummy, yucky. While is a cute book, it had things like a child sticking a finger in his nose and the page said --yucky and lo and behold thats what my child proceeded to do. Even if a book has a character too good to be true , I would rather take that one.
I too like ,Shadah, like Maisy and spot books. Also the Biscuit books from I can read series.Also i like the BOBo series from Jez Alborogh as it gives me a chance to talk about things like feelings, descriptive words etc while lookoing at animals.