What do you do with your 7 month-old?

Hi everyone,
My daughter is 7 months in a few days. So far, I’ve been trying to stimulate her (she’s always been keen to stand when I gently lift her and can now push herself up in bed, and she’s been crawling for a month.)
I’ve read Doman’s teach your child to read and I’ve been showing a few words, on and off, since she was 3 months old, but have only been serious about it in the last month. I’ve decided not to start maths, yet.
Otherwise I talk to her a lot and sing most of the time.
What else could I do? waiting for your ideas!

I started heavily signing from 6 months up… although I signed earlier I only concentrated on 5 signs up to then… milk, more, all done, light, and potty … and then shortly after eat and drink … the different foods as I introduced them got signs.
My 7 month old loves the math. I do recommend the math at this age… according to Doman the math is easier to do at this stage then reading.

I do a music appreciation with my 7 month old

As for crafts I recently did yogurt painting with finger paint in his high chair with food coloring explaining how to make different colors

Bubble blowing is a BIG hit

Scarf playing and dancing (lots of spinning) is a fun activity.

I do find that this is a stage where they get bored a little easier… they want to be more active but dont have the capability… they cant sit too long because they want to do everything and touch everything and want to be included in everything…

We do a lot of poems as I switch him from room to room with me… Im always talking to my kids ( I have finger rhymes and poem books in every room of the house and often will print a song off the internet and post it to my bathroom mirror and sing it while im getting ready

I do shape tracing as an activity and trace different shapes with their fingers… cirlces on glasses, squares on tupperware.

Hope that helps!! :yes:

Hi Mandi,
My son also 7mth now. Thks for so many tips. I start to let him watch baby signing time and doing the reading programme and flashing Maths dots recently.
May I know what is ‘music appreciation’ ? How do i do it? At the moment I only play children songs for him n classical music when he sleeps.
I really love to try the yogurt painting, so is it ok if my sons eats it? As he will put everything into his mouth. How often should I do it? everyday?
Can u also introduce me some book titles for finger rhymes and poems? I am totally lost in this field. I try to search in library but can’t find.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Mandy,
Thank you for your answer. I’ve started signing a month ago. I follow the australian sign language (auslan) and printed the main words and stuck them on my baby’s bedroom door. (I’ll try to find the website I got the words from)
I usually sign milk, kiss, mummy, daddy and have started with bath, more, hug and sleep. It is difficult to know what she understand though.

For the doman maths program, I read somewhere that reading should come first, that’s why i’ve decided to wait. I don’t have his teaching maths book yet so I can’t check. Anyway, does not matter, I’ll do it eventually.

Please keep posting with your ideas…