What do you do at bath time?

I use to sing songs that speak of body parts with my kids, what do you do? 8)

You know I have been there…I have done that!!I have to be honest I ran out of ideas… lol I was gonna ask for some ideas in the forum too.
I also talk to her about body parts but let me tell you…she already knows them all…I have no more imagination…I think she gets bored when I talk about it .
She likes to make bubbles using straws, also I give her bowls and cups to play with them,I read to her,splash water,she loves playing with the faucet and let water run, I sing to her, but I think some times she is tired of me signing all day to her that she says no…no …no…when I start singing ,so I don’t know anymore ideas in bath time.
I will really appreaciate some new ideas.

I sing this music to hear, but in portuguese


We play with Lego! she wouldn’t play with them so one day i tried to bring some in the bath and it worked lol

here is another video


My little girl loves to clean, so I leave the last bit of soap for her to play with. She washes her bath-toys, the bath-tiles, everything she can reach. She loves it when the soap falls out of her hand and she has to try and “catch” it again in the water, as it is so slippery, it makes for a lot of fun! lol

Oh dear, soap is a bit of an issue for us… DD is a big fan but can’t help to rub her eyes every single time and bath time becomes tear-time…It happened again today :frowning:

Bath time is the one time when my kids are so content that they don’t really need me. After I wash her hair and back, my almost 3 yr old daughter washes the rest of her body by herself. Then she plays make believe her plastic people and animals. She scrubs them and teaches them how to swim, etc. I sit in the bathroom with her and read a book or magazine. At the moment I’m reading “The New Read-Aloud Handbook” by Jim Trelease. My older son (age 7) just needs us to check on him and can be in the tub by himself. But again, usually I sit in the bathroom and read while he bathes. He also plays with plastic figures in the bath and conjures up complex stories with sound effects. Sometimes I share my thoughts regarding my book or magazine. LOL, I’m trying anything to teach my son that reading is interesting. However I usually just read quietly to myself. By time bath time rolls around, I’m usually just too tired to entertain my kids anyway.


My son just loves filling a jug with water and pouring…and repeating.

We got him some foam bath letters which are excellent - hes not at the stage of making words yet, but he sticks them up on the bath and likes to say which letter it is.

i dont know… she dont like to bath… :frowning:
but she like to splash water without take off her cloths… :mad:

I take her dolls to bath and we play of giving them shower, we comb their hair, etc. We all have fun!!!

We spell out our names with bath foam letters.

Awe sweet I like the ideas with the foam letters. A enjoys bath time so much to she splashes so much it looks like I have bathed. I am going to get the foam letters sounds like such fun.

E enjoys bath time and some days she may spend more than hour in bath tub with imaginary friends. i notice that she got many friends when she got into tub.she call them by names and asign tasks them too. i love the cute talks with them.

We have a boat with sea animals. The octupus has holes, so she likes how the water comes through the holes. The fish sucks the water in and then goes after her, getting her wet, she can scoop water with the crab and at the end she gets to put them away in the boat. This way to re-inforce to pick up her toys when she is done. we have the foam letters but have not used then because she used to put them in her mouth, but she may be old enough to get them out and have fun. She loves letters!

Regarding the soap, we use a liquid soap by Aquaphor that doesn’t hurt her eyes or her skin. We lve it!

yesterday I took a bath(It is being a long time since I took one) I was so exahusted last night that I decided to take a bath, so I was preparing my bath and my daughter decided to put all her bath time toys,botes,fish,turtle…etc in my bath. So it was fun I let her put shampoo in my hair, and soap…etc and she also was using cups to pour water on my head…SHE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!She was laughing and saying parts of my body and asking me; do you want more water? So cute!!
She was the mommy and I was the baby in the bath tub. At the end all her clothes got wet and my bathroom was a mess…but we had lots fo fun…

I love to take a bath with my kids, some times I put both at the same time (28 months and 10 months) when we finish the bath time, the bathroom is all wet, I am so tired, we make bubbles, they laugh… It is so much fun, but is not always we can do it.