What concrete results have you achieved with the LR and LM ?

Hallo ! I would like to buy the LR and LM for my 10 month old baby I would like to ask what concrete results have you achieved with the programm ?
What are the results when the Lr is used as a second language tool?Thank you.

My DD mastered all of the 8 core category flashcards probably in the first two months or so. I just keep showing the LR/LM files and reinforce with LR print out-paper cards, printing out new ones every time she masters another set. She probably learned an additional 5-6 sets after the core ones? We have only been doing about 4 months or so I think, sometimes we are more consistent than others but we usually only get in 1 session a day.

My daughter started LR when she was 15 months old. At that time, she had been watching YBCR and had already learned all the YBCR words. She was just starting to learn how to sound out individual letters. We got LR and in 2-3 months time, she had progressed to reading couplets and phrases. She also figured out phonics on her own and learned to read phonetically after a few months of LR. She turned 2 years old a couple of months ago and is now consistently reading whole books from cover to cover. I have the Usborne Graded Readers at home and she is now reading Level 3 (absolutely no idea what that means in terms of grade level though.)

I am also using LR to teach her Chinese and she can now read simple Chinese sentences. I think she can read about 300 Chinese characters but it is much more difficult to estimate reading levels in Chinese. Apart from reading, I have also been able to use her love for LR to teach her loads of other things. I was able to teach her to memorize Tang Dynasty Chinese poems using LR. I was able to teach her the lyrics to her favorite Sunday school songs. She learned many many EK topics using LR. She is learning to read Spanish and French… Basically, I found that I could teach her practically anything if I presented it in LR.

As for LM, I don’t have any concrete results to tell you because she hates to be tested in math. She doesn’t like LM as much as LR but would sit through it as long as she knows LR is next. I don’t regret getting LM though because I don’t think there is another program that makes it so easy to introduce math to babies and toddlers. Also, I think as long as she is watching it, she is absorbing something and may just surprise me someday with what she has learned. :biggrin:

Hallo !
I’m surpised about the results which you have already achieved and wanted to ask you, how can you teach a different language with the help of the LR ? Mei baby is 10 months and has German mother tongue.
How could I learn to understand and read in german with the help of Lr ? Thanks for your answer

Hi Aangeles!
Such amazing results! Which language do you (and other family mebers) speak to your daugter? Do you use some other methods for teaching her new languages apart from LR (DVD´s, CD´s)? Would be grateful for any advice. Thanks.

For teaching other languages, LR now has a Chinese curriculum that you can follow easily. You just play it like you would the English one. They are also developing other languages as well - I think French and Spanish are close to being released. I’m not sure if German is in the works, but you can always download the German lessons that other members have shared.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I speak in Chinese to my daughter, my husband speaks English and Filipino to her, and her teacher speaks English and Spanish to her (I know - it’s not quite OPOL, but so far it seems to be working…). For Chinese, I also read a LOT of Chinese books to her, I let her watch cartoons or Sesame Street once in a while but only if it’s in Chinese, I subscribe to a monthly Chinese children’s magazine with DVD from Taiwan, she watches Chinese music clips on youtube. For Spanish and French, I use Little Pim DVDs, music CDs, Whistlefritz in Spanish, and Professor Toto in French. I also use the GD Picture Dictionary CD-ROMs in these languages. Unfortunately, for Filipino, we can’t seem to find good quality DVDs for toddlers. We have a few books but that’s all, so I think Filipino is actually her weakest language for now.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Many thanks for sharing! You definitely gave me an inspiration (and an example to follow as well :slight_smile: )
Best wishes to you and your lovely early reader!

Hi aangeles,

congratulation to the amazing result!
We use LR & LM, too. But can not remark such a result. My daughter can not read yet. She seems only like to watch the pictures and not like the words at all (If I switch to only words she doesn’t want to watch it anymore). Do you also use the option “word, media”?