what color are those babies eyes

just wondering what color are all of those beautiful baby eyes out there!
you can vote up to five times for those of you that have more them one child!

My son’s are a mixture of blue, green and hazel. They change a little too. I put green on the vote b/c they are more green than anything.

Greenish-blue, then brown, then blue and blue and the next will be blue, as my older kids have a different dad with brown eyes (but his parents have multiple eye colour genes so he does too), but my youngest and future kids will all be blue, because their parents (us) are both blue eyes, (double recessive genes) and we cant produce anything else but!

my son’s eye color is brown. his dad’s eye color.

I’d like to think my baby’s eye color is blue. But its brown. I thought that theres a hint of blue too. We’ll there’s no more chance that his eye color change because he is old enough.

my baby eyes are brown.

my son’s eyes color is black.

We are 100% Chinese, we can only have brown color eyes. I do think different color eyes are beautiful. :slight_smile:

My girls got dark brown eyes with green specks. Wish they have there daddy’s eyes, grayish-brown with green specks.

My husband’s eyes are green and mine are brown. My children have, in this order, Green, Blue, Brown, and Blue again.

My husband’s eyes are hazel, mine are green and my baby has blue eyes. Her eyes have not changed at all. Both of my in-laws have blue eyes, so did my granpa. Both of my parents have brown eyes.

We asked a doctor and he said the recesive genes are a good start, but there are some “mutations” when it comes to eyes, meaning, you children could have any kind of eye color because of a mutation. Crazy! :blink:

me and my husband’s eyes are brown, so naturally our baby’s eyes are brown too :slight_smile:

All three of our children have brown eyes as both their parents have brown eyes. But they all have different shades of brown with my son having the darkest brown which looks almost black.

issam eyes are mostly dark brown but when he is under the sun, his eyes become light brown.

First two brown after their dad, next two blue like mine :slight_smile: