What bird is this?

Does anyone know what bird is this in the attached picture? I want to make a book for my son with it. I figured there are so many smart people here somebody is bound to know! Thanks so much!

It’s in Southern California by the way. Anyway maybe there is a chance somebody is familiar.

I would say its an ibis, but I can’t pinpoint the exact species.


It’s definitely an ibis of some sort. But I can’t tell what colour it is from the photo. It could be a juvanile American white ibis…

It looks like it might be a long-billed curlew, but it is hard to say from the picture, since it is not very sharp. I thought it may be a whimbrel, but the beak of a whimbrel is not as long as the bird in the picture you sent. I am not sure, but that might help you some. In my birding house with our bird book out, we think it is a whimbrel or a curlew. My husband is convinced that it is the long-billed curlew because it has the long beak like your picture. And that is our 2 cents.

Curlew (and yes long billed) is a likely candidate. I considered it but decided ibis based on the fact that the coloring in the photo looks to be uniform across the back, and the curlews are mottled…well I think they are…are they always? I went with juvanile based on the fact the babies are darker usually.
Can we get more info? Size? Feather colour? birds differ quite a bit around the word, I am in Australia if Krista is in the US go with curlew :slight_smile: Our curlews are darker and our ibis are huge on this side of the world.

I think Krista G is right. It could definitely be a Curlew. The picture probably doesn’t show the motted look.


Thanks for all the replies! I think it looks like maybe it is a Curlew. I did a google search and found there are some at that beach. I did think the color was uniform but could have been the lighting. I am not at home but when I get home I will take a closer look of a video I have. I would say it was about 12 inches tall maybe. Anyway, it was really beautiful. Now I understand a little better people who are into bird watching. There are so many species to learn about. Thanks again to all.

I have been planning to make a new blog post about my son’s new obsession with birds. It is so precious. He is 7, and on his own he sat and made 3 birds books. He sat at the computer and drew their pictures and wrote up facts about each bird. Each book had about 12 birds in it. Well, then we watched the movie The Big Year, which is about birding. The next day we bought a bird book to identify species and went to the state park. From there he has ordered at least 15 different bird books from the library, he spent half the day outside with my video camera and a tripod getting footage of birds and now he has taken to drawing bigger, more detailed pictures of birds. As we sit at the table (which overlooks a lake) to do school he shouts when he spots bald eagles, osprey, and vultures. He and my older daughter run outside to see what they can. A month ago as we were doing school a great horned owl was sitting on the roof of the dock and caused a whole bunch of excitement around here. Isn’t child led learning wonderful? Oh, and the other day he was making a list of every bird he has ever seen.

So when I saw your question, of course I consulted with him for his opinion.

I have no idea whether it’s an ibis or a curlew I’m afraid but I do live in Panama… bird watching capital of the world. I would love to cultivate my son’s interest in the field of ornithology. I bought a very expensive field guide to Panama birds, it’s in double dutch at the minute but I do hope to improve! He’s only 16 months but is quick to run outside whenever he hears a bird sing and he has taught all his adult friends the sign for “bird” :slight_smile:

So… suggestions please - books, equipment that you are using would be much appreciated & anything that you are aware of in this field for little people.


I checked out my video and am more convinced it is a Curlew. Thanks again to everyone for the replies.

So when I saw your question, of course I consulted with him for his opinion.

Please tell him thank you!!

@lois1 I am in the same boat. Our sons are about the same age. He sees a bird so far away and signs bird. I would like to teach him too but I will have to learn myself first!

That is just one of the perks of teaching your baby - you learn too. We made our MemoFlix Flash Cards DVDs and I have learned so many new things from putting those together. The other day I was watching Pride and Prejudice and they were talking about a phaeton, and I knew that it was a carriage because I used that word on the ph category for MemoFlix. I have also learned the names of so many birds as I point them out to my kids. It is very exciting and fun for me and for them.

I will tell my boy you extend your thanks.

I know nothing about birds, but all the responses to your question is one reason I just love this forum. Seriously! The fact that so many people want to help with your bird question or my “what to do with a bunch of corks” question is just…well…it kind of fits in the warm fuzzy category, don’t you think? :slight_smile:

I know nothing about birds, but all the responses to your question is one reason I just love this forum. Seriously! The fact that so many people want to help with your bird question or my "what to do with a bunch of corks" question is just...well...it kind of fits in the warm fuzzy category, don't you think? smile

Yes! I wasn’t sure if I would get any response, but thought it doesn’t hurt to ask. Thanks again! :yes:

My son seriously needs some help, his Mummy told him that the Canada Goose standing on the other side of the road was a duck…

lol lol lol @ lois

I am sorry I can’t stop laughing!

I do not know what kind of bird it is, but the observation of your son good.