What are your short / long term objectives?

Just wonder if any of you has set the short / long term goals while teaching your kids? There are so many things we can do to teach our kids, but our time is so limited, if we are not clear about our goals, we could easily spend a lot of money and time on something that doesn’t help us to get anywhere. let’s share some of our goals, and update how well your goals been achieved.

Here are mind:

Short Term (Within 3 months)
My son is 29 months now, I am going to start the Doman method or LR next week (whichever he likes), I wish he will be able to read at least 30 words in 3 months.

I am going to show him the Chinese Wink and start him on a weekly private Mandarin lesson
, I wish he will be able to speak at least 30 Mandarin words in 3 months.

Medium term (in 2 years)
I wish he will be able to read and become trilingual by the time he is four. (he already speaks Cantonese and English now)

Long term (in 5 years)
I hope he will be ahead of the school schedule by the time he enters first grade, so that he can spend his time to develope whatever he likes to do, e.g. Music and sport etc.

I hope he will stay in the top 10% at his whole school career.

All in all, I don’t expect him to become a super genius, I just want him to be a happy being, have a good career and good life when he grows up. It sounds easy, but in this competitive world, he has to be above average or super lucky to have a good life. Agree?


Thanks for your suggestion. I think it will help many of us. I just try to do the best for my grandson but it is difficult to stick to the schedule not being all the time with me. Nevertheless it will be very usefull to set the short, medium and long term goals to evaluate how we are doing.

That’s a great idea, Ethanmama! :smiley:
I’m greatful to my own mom for teaching me via the Doman method back in the 1980s. Now, I want to teach Ségolène how to read so she can also have the educational advantage I had while growing up.
It’s important that my partner and I would have mutual goals for our baby since we can’t be with her all the time and the nanny + grandma would be the ones responsible for her in the daytime (just like most Asians, the extended family takes care of the infant while parents are at work).
We want her to learn English, German, French, and our local vernacular, Tagalog. However, it’s really such a loving investment of time so I wish we could really set aside resources for this.

Again, thanks for opening the idea of objectives! :slight_smile:

you know i never thought about long term goals.

alot of people say that you need to visualise the end result and see it clearly.

im getting out my diary!!!

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there”.

For my older children, I have made definite homeschooling goals… what books I’d like to have completed before the beginning of December (baby’s due date)… and then I figured out how many pages of this book needs to be read each day, or how many lessons/units per week, or whatever, and then I make up all the daily assignment sheets for that time and check them off each day (planning for holidays or other breaks too of course). It is the most effective way for us, because it keeps me on schedule and motivated to make sure that schoolwork is getting done each day. I do it in pencil, so I can easily modify it if I discover ‘the plan’ just isn’t working for a particular subject.

For my 5yob, my goal is that he can read some simpler phonics readers before he turns 6 (in April), and that he knows some simple math (adding/subtracting to 10) and his numbers to 100.

For my 3yob, before he turns 4 in May '10, my goal is that he can read at least a couple of hundred words (will start using Doman method shortly), and that hopefully he is perhaps starting to be able to figure out how the reading thing ‘works’ (to intuit some understanding of phonics)… most important, I want to foster a love of reading in him, as opposed to a love of video games like my 5yob is starting to get. Also, I hope that I can get him to feel comfortable in water that is past his knee height!

For my 11 month old baby I hope that he will be able to start reading independently (some short children’s books) by the time he turns 3. I hope he will love, love, love reading and love to learn new things and do so quickly and easily.

For the four youngest children (5yob, 3yob, 11mob, baby due in December), I hope that I can teach them to understand, speak, and read in French even before ‘school age’ (and hopefully Dutch too, but I will start with French mainly because of amount of materials available and to build my own confidence), so that they will not be moaning like my older kids do when I tell them that French has to be part of their curriculum (because all the kids in school learn French, and we live in Canada where knowing French could help them get better jobs later on).

In general my goal is to teach my younger children (reading and languages in particular) at a much earlier age than I did the older ones so that homeschooling will be much easier and less time consuming later on, and so that I am catching the opportunity to teach them these things when their brain is learning the fastest and they are the most interested in learning. For my 9yob, who is still ‘learning to read’ (although it is coming along well now), it is a chore that he doesn’t really enjoy doing at all, but because he is old enough to see the value and necessity of if, he is perfectly cooperative. No, I really want learning to read to be FUN, so I will teach them earlier from now on.

this was a really interesting question with uncanny timing… my dd is turning 2 and one of our family traditions is asking someone, on their birthday, what they are going to accomplish in the next year… well, dd couldn’t answer of course but it did get me thinking about what kinds of things i was going to help her with and then this question came up.

for the short term (2 yrs) i would like to just keep building her reading and comprehension; continue her love of numbers and really get her counting; develop her physical coordination and develop her own sense of creativity but most of all make sure she always has fun while learning. more concretely, i would like to begin a tot/ pre k homeschool in the next 6mo to give us more direction. also, i would like to see a development of other languages though am totally intimidated since we are a one language household. i would like to see her learn spanish and tagalog (that means sending her to grandparents for a little immersion :biggrin: ).

for more medium term goals (elementary years) i would like to cultivate an ease with maths and sciences as well as a love of reading (esp. independent reading). encourage researching things on her own and applying it to what she already knows. i would also like to see her develop a point of view and opinion of her own that she is able to express.

very long term (and here i know i get a little less concrete but whoa it seems a looooong way off right now) i want her to really develop a passion for asking and answering her own questions; have confidence in knowledge that she has and in herself; have an understanding and compassion for the world around her; a sense of strength of mind and body and most of all a good sense of humor to do it all with.