Besides LR and LM of course. I have learned so much from the Brillkids community, so thought I would ask the knowledgeable parents on here. I am thinking of purchasing some DVDs and/or programs and/or books for my 22mo, and have some idea of what I would like to get, but want to make sure I haven’t missed some options. I am looking for something in each category:
A second language
I am currently using YBCR. My son has only been using it for 2 months (he’s 8mos.) and he seems to enjoy it. he laughs and gets excited when i play the videos and he loves the books and flash cards. He already recognizes the words clap, wave, and hi. Good luck on finding something you and your child will enjoy
Headsprout Online and Books
-Munchkin math
-anything Wink To Learn
-Hooked On Phonics readers and DVDs
Geez the list could go on. We don’t use all these things at once of course but rotate them.
Well we are also using different things at times, such as:
-Signing time
-Quran CD
-some native language CD
-any kid of short story book
My daugther and my own favorite learning products that we have used are:
Little Math
Signing time
Little Pim (personally i think it is way better then Muzzy, professor toto…ect. I researched many before finding and loving this product)
Reading- Preschool Prep for sight words, Letter factory for letters and their sounds, Bob books, “Ordinary Parents Guide to teaching reading”, Reading eggs, we also used YBCR and Little Reader and my son enjoyed them but I didn’t see as much progress with them
Music- Classical Magic
A second language- Little Pim and Muzzy in French
Science- Peter Weatherall’s DVD’s (simple science, more simple science, simplest science, etc…) I recommend this hands down. It is so informative, funny and a great deal
Math- Kumon workbooks starting at the tracing level, Right start math games, Jones Genius, counting together by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s etc, Sterling Math flashcard program
There is a combination of different methods and curriculum I’ve been using with Ethan. Mostly anything that is interesting and is a few minutes in duration. We love a few things among each method from Charlotte Mason, Montessori, Doman, etc. Books I often refer back to & use are “The Well Trained Mind” by S. Bauer, “Complete Resource Book for Preschoolers” by P. Schiller, “What Your KG Needs to Know” by E.D. Hirsch, Montessori books, and a few others.
Hands on math games, mostly homemade
Mathematical Reasoning (not yet ordered for future use)
Jones Genius Math (not yet used)
Ethan makes tons of things with “HouseHold Items” by K. Ross
Core Curriculum:
Building Thinking Skills Primary (Grades: K-1st)
BrainQuest WK BK, Making the Grade by D. Van Beek & other Wk Bk’s (not yet started for future use)
Lot’s of reading from various books & phonics from Flechcards (Daddude) & YCCR Dvd’s.