What are YOU reading?

On top of reading childrens books by the dozen, what else are you reading? How do you choose what to read?

I think it sets a good example for my daughter if she sees me reading for knowledge and enjoyment. Right now I have the following books on the go:

“Jane Boleyn, a true story of the infamous Lady Rochford” by Julia Fox.
I currently have a fascination with 16th Century England, this is one of many books I have read on this topic in the last year. Any recommendations?

“I was a really good Mom before I had kids” by T. Ashworth and A. Nobile.
I am almost done this book and loved it. Being a new mom I have strong interest in reading everything about my new job.

“The Hurried Child” by David Elkind.
Because I worry that I will ‘hurry’ my daughter with all my ideas, so this book gives me another perspective.

“Unconditional Partenting” by Alfie Kohn. I read this book about 6 months ago, but it is packed with lots of good advice so I am giving it another read.

It is important that your children see you read as well because they learn a lot from watching us as parents.

I tend to read parenting books as well, but haven’t found much time lately.

The one that I am currently trying to read is “Kids are Worth It” by Barbara Coloroso. I read it ~10 years ago, and want to reread it.

I have read some of the “Unconditional parenting” and would recommend any books written by Alfie Kohn.

I also enjoy Chicken Soup books as each story is short.

I just finished reading "discipline with love ". lol

hi there

i am currently reading warren buffets biography. quite fascinating.

i want to read this book i read a while back when i was teaching.
its called " how to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk."
i need to read it again because communicating with a 2 yr old can be challenging.

I just finished reading “Shepharding a child’s Heart” by Tedd Tripp. I will be refering to it again soon I’m sure. I’m currently reading “The Bible and the Future” by Anthony Hoekema. Very fascinating if you like Theology. I like books like this because although I’m working on stimulating my child’s brain, my brain needs stimulation too. I’m also enjoying “Morning and Evening” by C.H. Spurgeon as a devotional. Good stuff.

I am reading how to teach your baby to read…the last one before this one was, bringing bilingual baby home.

I am reading Baby Read Aloud Basics. It is a great book for encouraging parents to spend more time reading to their babies.