What are the long term benefits of teaching Encyclopedic Knowledge

Has anyone got any long term experience of the benefits of teaching Encyclopedic Knowledge? When your child is in their teens or an adult do they actually retain any of the knowledge?

The reason I am asking is it’s a lot of work to create EK cards with pieces of intelligence … and in Australia 11"x11" is not a normal sized piece of card/paper (which will cost a lot of $$ to invest in materials).

I used encyclopedic knowledge with my 12 year old son when he was a baby.I remember him recall different programs when we would study the subject later on during school time.But even more amazing was his ability to add on large amounts of new information and retaining it all with great ease.It meant we diddn’t have to spend much time on topics that would be taking half of schoolyear to cover and absorb for average student.He has much more time to pursue his interests and stays ahead in scholastics, plus he loves learning.My 10 year old son would never sit ,always on the move, but he was reading by 2.5 so I knew he listened.And he does remember the things I showed him when he was small too.So I guess for me it was beneficial and I’m teaching encyclopedic knowledge to their younger brothers and sisters even with more determination.

Thanks aneta for your sharing your experience. It makes me more inspired to do encyclopedic knowledge. Yes, it is very tedious to do it. But the benefits are long term for our kids. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing! I read once about a man who would suddenly recall little facts. He had no idea where this knowledge came from until he found out his mom did EK with him when he was young.

you don’t have to buy 11 x 11 paper. buy regular poster board and cut it. the poster board i buy is 22 x 28. i get 4 bit cards and one word card out of each piece! when I do just word cards, I get 7 cards. you don’t have to use domans exact size, just use what works for you and always use that size. Look for poster board at the typical back to school sales and stock up!

Thank-you for sharing your experience aneta!

I hope that there are other parents around who have had similar fantastic results with Encyclopedic Knowledge who are able to share their experiences … positive or negative.

If there are any Aussie parents around who’ve found cost effective ways of making 11x11 cards please post!! We don’t have 22x28 poster board in Australia. A3 is 11.7x16.5 - but purchasing A3 card is very costly - the cheapest place I found sold 125 sheets for $35 and it’s only 280gms (quite flimsy for word cards).

Has anyone else got any experience with older children as whether teaching Encyclopedic Knowledge is useful?

I too live in Australia and believe it to be costly to make bit cards. The rate at which children need new material would mean going through card and printer ink very quickly.
I now show my son encyclopedic knowledge presentations on Little Reader. I know it is not by the book but it holds his attention quite well and works for us.
I use A4 white card cut lengthways down the middle for reading word cards (comes in packs of 100 sheets from Officeworks). I like to have these physically available rather than on Little reader as we find it easy to show him words in quick sessions at meal times. It is also good to have them available for quick problem solving activities and for making sentences.
I know the Doman books are quite specific, but I think it would be very hard to follow them perfectly. The books provide some fantastic information and insights. We have just moulded the program to suit us. Different techniques work for different families. As long as your child is learning and enjoying it that is the main thing.
I am thinking of also getting my son some of the Rookie reader series to teach EK. Does anybody use these?

Thanks aneta for sharing.
It encourages me all the more to teach my child encyl.

I use little reader to show EK because it holds Sophia’s attention and she will watch one thing after another after another. I don’t do that of course but she does enjoy them.

You could buy 12x12 card stock from a scrapbooking store, this will also get costly but you will have good card for making EK.

Hope this helps

As of now, I haven’t known anyone who used or teached their child EK. Because in our place, early childhood education is very new. But what I already knew is that my son loves it and for a child that is 2 y/o, he knows so many for his age.
Many of our friends are amazed with his abilities and his knowledge. They even admitted that their kids who are 2 years and 4 years older than my son don’t know the things that my son has already knew.
That’s so inspiring! That’s one of the reasons why I continue doing it. :slight_smile: