What are the difference between Doman and Shichida? and which one you like more?

After doing some research on both methods, I think I actually like the Shichida method better, it seems more well rounded, and it focuses on training up the right brain so that the kid can acquire new skill and knowledge quicker. I like my kid to be able to read, but rather than making them memorize a vast amount of words, it seems that they will benefit even more through learning to memorize, speed reading etc. because that is the skill they can use in every aspect in their life, not just reading and calculating.

What do you all think?


Here are the differences:

The Doman method focuses on intellectual and physical development. It is based on anecdotal evidence of children improving their capacities after repeated exposure to flashcards, music, foreign languages and kinesthetic vestibular exercises. The parents teach their children at home, with love and enthusiasm. It is a terrific program, but there is definitely something missing, as you yourself have found.

Shichida’s method actually began with Doman’s method, but in the early 80’s he combined it with accelerated learning techniques (from Buzan, Rose, Lazonov, and others) because he felt that children could do much more than Doman’s method had touched upon. His particular interest was in the right brain, where he believed photographic memory, speed reading, computer-like math calculation, perfect pitch, instant multiple language acquisition, intuition and other unique abilities were located. He also believed that only children ages 0-6 had access to the right brain and that it closed soon after, if not exercised during those critical years of development. (We now know that this pathway can be reopened later with encouragement and gentle right brain play.)

In his experimental right brain classes he also found that the right brain pathway closed EARLY when a child sensed negative emotions, such as stress, fear, or boredom. Thus, the main foundation of his classes became assisting the child’s loving relationship with his parents and fun learning play with many different forms of stimulation.

Doman’s method works with inputting information with repeated exposure to images to help a child learn. Shichida maintains that the right brain soaks up every image, and so his emphasis is on strengthening a child’s learning abilities through memory enhancement and photographic imaging.

Dear Ethanmama,

I’m so glad to have found someone who thinks the same. :yes:

I would like to emphasis, in my opinion, SM not only helps in a child’s learning ability, but also helps in developing a better personality. This is the ultimate reason why I sent my daughter to SM.


can we use both the methods at the sam time and how any suggestions

I had used both method on my now 7 yr old boy when he was younger. We started with SM and slowly proceed to GD’s math as we cannot seems to move on from SM’s maths. I later combined both method into my daily schedule with GD’s math, reading and EK cards and SM’s image play, memory trainings, eye training and IQ logic practices. I love both methods and find that combining both methods work very well with my boy. We worked at our pace and hence process is slow but rewarding and fun. The end result I see on him now is what I am satisfied with. He is fast in understanding new concepts and processing information. His memory analytical skills might not have been wonderful but good enough to keep him on the track with the tons of school work he is facing daily now in 1st grade. :slight_smile:

For mums who have resources for both and able to find time for more material preparation, you can consider combining both methods to make the learning sessions fun and enriching. I personally find GD enriching and SM fun for me and my boy. Both makes great bonding time for us. :wink:

I personally would love to know more about SM. I have been on their website numerous times but theydo not sell any products to do right brain education at home and it seems to me that you cn only purchase their products if you are attending a SM school. Which I do not have in my area.

I wish I could teach my daughter those techniques. I only have tweddlewink at this point of time and she hardly looks at that when it is on.

Can any help in pointing me in the ‘right’ direction?

I found this very useful website about the shichida method. There is even a resource center you can download some shichida activities. It doesn’t have a ton like here at BK, but enough to help me to understand what is it like using the Shichida method, and make the material by myself later.


Also, if you want to buy Shichida flashcard, try ebay singapore, I found some flashcards there, but you have to ask if the seller will ship it to the States.

I dun find SM flashcards to be special in anyway. In fact, I had some myself and find them not very well made. Pics are not clear in representing the subject/object with too many unrelated objects in the same pic. Maybe I was too much influenced by GD’s guideline in searching for good quality pics for flashcards that I became very particular abt the pics when making cards. As for the other materials, they can be DIY. IN fact, Sm dun sell a whole lot of stuff that they use in class. Most of the materials for home sessions are usually DIY by parents. I DIY most of my materials using any resources I can get hold of in and out of the house. :biggrin:

U can still go head to make your own cards using GD’s guideline for EK cards when searching for pictures.

As for the other activities, Tweddlewink do have some similar ones like linking memory, photo memory etc.

I have my doubts when using SM on younger babies cos mums seems to be the one that does all the activities since baby can only look. However, since the method is used for babies 3 mths old onwards, it must have it special reasons. For anything, I think it’s the time spent with baby that creates a great bonding time. Maybe the flashcards and maths might work ok with babies.

There are many forums that do discussions on SM and GD. Try SGparenting.com.sg that has many parents doing both methods.

Like GD, SM must be done regularly in a very relaxed and fun setting. I see many parents being a little too concern abt results when attending the class partly due to high fees that they started to stress themselves and the poor child. I had been thru that stage myself when we 1st started the classes. After more than 1 yr in the school, we stopped since I find that we can work at a more comfortable and relaxed pace. Indeed, we managed to continue enjoying SM with GD at home till my boy starts kindergarten. :wink: