What are some of the brain building activities/games I can play with my 7 month old? I am looking at activities other than flash cards, videos, books etc…more like playing with toys…what sort of games or toys are educational and appropriate for a 7-8month old?


I think everything is stimulating. Singing, talking, foreign languages, gentle massage, games for fingers. Google “how to play with 7 months old”.

Thanks Frukc for ur comments…well I was asking more like game activities like playing with stacks etc? what are some games that I can play with my 7 month old…also what sort of touys are useful?

I have the book Baby Minds by Acredolo and Goodwyn. They have game suggestions for little ones. For example, setting up patterns. They say to hide a toy or puppet behind your back and pull it out on one side in a pattern, (R, L, R, L). It gets the baby to start looking for patterns in things. They have other suggestions, but I am not remembering them all now. Maybe your library would have it. However, I will warn you, they are anti Doman/flashcards. I kind of follow the philosophy of using multiple educational techniques.

I have been practicing throwing and catching with my son. He can throw like a champ to the side and he has caught the ball twice so far. At Target in the section for party favors where the birthday decorations are they had these cute soft sports toys for a dollar each and they are a good size not too small and not too big. I put some apps on the ipad for drawing they have nice bright colors and my son gets a kick out of seeing his finger leave a trail of colors on the screen. Also the shape sorter toys have been fun for him since he has been sitting up. Fisher price has a smart phone for babies and the touch buttons sing the alphabet, count, speak different greetings, says the colors and the touch board lights up that color and many more things. My son loves playing with stuffed animals that sing and speak to him. One cute monkey sings the alphabet and counts to him. Another cute dog tells him the name of the part he grabs the ear, leg, arm etc.