What am I doing wrong?

I started with my 10 mo old dtr with the ybcr dvd, I didn’t know anything about Doman, Tweedle or anything else at the time’t. We started with the startedr video for the 2 months and moved on. In the meantime, I came across this website, Tweedle and Doman. Now she is 15 mos old and doesn’t still know the words unless she hears it said or sees the picture??? Shouldn’t she know some of these by now? I do work full time and don’t have the time for the 3 x day etc… we’re usually doing a video of ybcr while I shower, then maybe Pre-School prep or Wink to Learn on the way to the sitter or on the way home. I do send her books and cards to the sitters, I am not sure how much she does them there. I do try and do little reader at home before bed. I am worried I am wasting the most valuable time she has by not doing it right. Any help or suggestions would be Oh, also, she really likes the flash cards and mostly wants to take them from me and throw them around. So I went to little reader and she just wants to hit the keyboard, so I am now trying to make board books for her so she can throw them around and not ruin them too much…


Stick with it; she is still very young. Some babies take longer than others, but I’m sure she is taking it all in. One day she will surprise you. Trust me, I had the same concerns with my son, but he eventually showed me that he knew a lot.

Do stick to it, my son was like this two months ago. When I flash physical cards to him, he will want to touch the cards, without paying attention to me. When I flash slideshows on computer, he wanted to touch the keyboard or mouse. I get upset also. In fact I stop for one month and spend time to prepare materials and back in full force only this month.
May be due the break and he gets older now,My son now show great interest when I flash physical cards, I am showing him the YBCR cards too, he will look at the words / picture when I show him. And now he can concentrate when looking at PC too. I do some adjustment, for eg, shift the keyboard / mouse beyond his reach. If possible set all slideshow or LR to auto forward.

Trust your child!

The baby just may not be showing what they know. Sometimes I will ask my son something or show him something and he will get this smile like he knows it, but he won’t answer me. He has also only read 2 words that I know of, Chevrolet and Roosevelt. Those are not things we have spent much time on so I know he knows many more words than that, but he hasn’t told me he knows them. He is old enough to talk and communicate. It is nice to see your work paying off, but you will see it soon.

My daughter also went through a stage of wanting to throw the cards - what I now do is tell her she can have them after I have finshed flashing them - we do the flashcards in the bath and then she gets to wet them and stick them on the wall if she wants to (they are laminated so can take quite a pounding)

It sounds like you are doing fine. Its very hard at this age to know what they know as they don’t have enough skills to show us for sure (and we are not supposed to be testing them all the time anyway) Just keep it up - she will surprise you one day.