What age did your child (ren) use eating utensils?

My son no longer wants me to feed him anymore, but fusses until I give him a spoon or fork then he will use it to eat all by himself. I am not worried about anything because I am sure he is just trying to be independent, but I was wondering how it worked in other households, do most babies began doing this around 1?

I introduced a spoon at probably 8 or 9 months. I would put a little cereal on the spoon and hand it to him. I didn’t always let him have the spoon though. A lot of times I would be feeding him, and he would try to grab it from me, so I let him take it. There are some great training spoons out there. One that I really like is from baby human. They sell them on amazon.

My kid started eating with spoon at withn in one year. Though initially most of the time, the cearel so given was dropped here and there, but i never objected to it to build the confidence of the chlild. IN my view child shoudl be encouraged to do things, as they cannot learn the thigs at fast pace.

Probably most kids want to eat by themselves around 1. It’s something new it’s fun and they can practise little bit of independence. If you are concern if he gets enough from those meals try another spoon and sometimes another bowl.Ha.With time he will get better at it.

Mine started abit late. Round about 18 months, but that’s because he’s so used to us feeding him.
Now that he attends daycare (at 18 months), might be due to peer pressure for other kids his age are feeding themselves, he no longer wants us to feed him. He was making a fuss when I tried to feed him at daycare (on his first day of school). Now he would grab the spoon when no one sees it and try to feed himself and get his school uniform dirty… :blush:

we are feeding our E but sometimes we allow her to use her utensils. E is very enjoying when i let her to eat herself. but i cant leave her alone with the food.

My son started eating by himself around 1 yr.He is now using spoon and fork to eat.And he doesnt like if we feed him.But never messes around he will eat very nicely and safely.


We do both. K gets her own spoon ( or sometimes 3 or 4 of them ifshe keeps throwing them away!). We also feed her though to make sure she gets enough.