What about your hobbies?

I firmly believe in pursuing a hobby no matter what . I try to find that time whenever I can . my hobbies include reading , I favour fiction but my present faves are all non-fiction. I love to paint and create art over canvas (like semi-murals) or knit and gardening , Also I like it when I vacuum , wierd but I think the ‘repetition with goal’ part of it appeals my OCD tendencies.

I was wondering, what are your hobbies and how do you find time for it?

Reading non-fiction, watching true crime shows and news shows, op-shopping/attending garage sales and scrap-booking. I dont find time for garage sales or scrap-booking at the moment. I like vacuuming too…I like hearing all that dirt go up and seeing that carpet get clean. Cant relax in my loungeroom if I see dirt on the carpet!!

ha-ha I wished I liked cleaning :laugh: better :laugh: Though I too can’t relax in a dirty room…
My hobbies … painting, crafts, balloon art (it’s turning into employment at the moment) and this Forum, ha

Is the forum considered a hobby?

I use to have hobbies such as quilting, exercising, playing the flute in a band, and decorating my house. The birth of my daughter put all of those on the far top shelf.

I think my dd is my hobby? I just feel so busy researching, preparing, and then teaching her I have little time to do anything else, well except laundry, cooking, and cleaning.

I wrote an article on new mothers needing hobbies, I will post it.

I wish my hobby is travelling and scrap booking . Now my hobby is cleaning cooking going groceries, organizing everything realted to my kids and staff… nearly 5 years this will be hobby and my lifestyle.

Here is an article on Hobbies that I wrote for a local newsletter:

“I need a hobby. At a recent parenting class an entire section focused on self care. The experts say an important part of parenting is taking care of one’s self, which should include a hobby. Therefore in my quest to be a decent mother I am in search of a hobby. The hobby must be simple. The hobby must not come with lots of stuff to buy, organize, take out, or clean up. Realistically the hobby must be done at home, hopefully while the children are napping. The hobby must be quick. The hobby must be interruptible. I could not think of any activity that meets this rigorous set of standards. I enlisted the help of a close friend who has two toddlers. It was a short conversation. No, she doesn’t have a hobby. Yes, she would like a hobby. Yes, she knows of one activity that meets the hobby standards. Shaving. That simple. I could be a better parent if on at least a monthly basis I shaved my legs.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

That is sooo funny, but isnt that true too.Loved it.

I don’t have a hobby at the moment. It used to be playing with my dog, but unfortunately he had to leave this world for the next earlier than I ever imagined. Even though Koen was only little, he loved the dog. We will get another one, but maybe at the end of the year when it is warmer in Australia. So at the moment like many of you out there, my hobby is house stuff. One ‘hobby’ I really dislike is all the paperwork that has to be read, filled out and filed away. That always seems to be my job or other wise it just sits there. I really must get myself a hobby, one that doesn’t take up much room in the small house we have would be ideal. When I think of things I would like to do, they all seem to need space, like sewing, scrap booking, jewlerly making etc.

OMG I laughed so hard with the vacumming an the shaving lol My hobbie was traveling. My husband and I love to travel. We used to find a B&B, get in the car and go. Not anymore! With all the things you have to take when traveling with a baby you think it twice. I have to say, we go to Denver about every three weeks which is about 3 hours away. I have to admit it hasn’e been all my daughter’s “fault”, we used to be self-employed which made it so much easier to get up and go. Traveling is one of the reasons why we are considering homeshooling (it’s not the main reason though). My other hobbie, shopping (not my husband’s favorite hobbie for me to have) I live in a small town, so I don’t get to do it very often, but when I go to the big city I sure do. Right now my hobbie is this website. I spend way too much time in it, but is ok, is my hobbie, isn’t that right? lol Since I’m not crafty at all, anything with the computer is perfect for me!

Probably the only think I can do on my free time…which is twice a day if I am lucky . I go for a 30 minutes run…on my baby’s afternoon nap, after my husband cames home, he watches her for me!! Besides that…I love to travel but I live in Alaska…and ot is very expensive to travel from here to another place besides Hawaii.I used to love shopping but not anymore Catalina doesn’t put up with my shopping time…I take a long time to find something I like to buy…I can’t even remember when I when shopping for the last time…( I must be a mom). I also used to have cafe with with single friends but of couse no anymore…I don’t hav ethe kind of time and I don’t have comun thing with my sigle friends either…lol, funny eh.

I agree…I try to go for scrapbooking for a hobby but…I bought all this cool stuff I don’t have time to use and it takes too much space!!It’s kind of fun to be able to create something with my baby’s pictures but takes too long.