What about toddlers?

Hi everyone!

I am a mom of a 2 1/2 yr. old boy. I am so excited about all the information presented by the members of this community. Unfortunately, I feel I am late. A lot of the info that is being shared is for babies. My child is past that stage but I am still interested in how we can help the toddlers especially on being physically superb. I am taking all the reading info in, but was wondering on the physical part.

Any ideas on the physically superb area for toddlers ? I saw all the posts on the crawling pads etc. but we rae beyond those. We did make a balance beam for my oldest but was wondering if any one had other ideas.


Maybe we can separate sections for brillkids and brillbabies?


your not to late to do any of the programs
your child is right on time to learn math dots, reading, and encyclopedic knowledge
just be sure to get started right away on math dots

i didn’t do the crawling track either but have been doing the physically superb program for about 9 months
you can use that book till your child is six years old
i would advice you to go and get that book as soon as you can
it’s such a great book and is so much more then the crawling track

before you get the book you can start right away with running
run everyday slowly working up to a mile nonstop
working up to a mile is the hard part after that it’s easier to get to 3 or 4 miles

also try walking on a lot of different surfaces
if you have hills near you even better

start swimming with you kid
this is a really get exercise
and adds balance to your running program
also if you child did not crawl swimming is even more important

crawl with your child even if he is too old
this can be great fun as well as good exercise
is great for balence later
and is very very important for proper brain development

a balance beam is wonderful
do some work on it everyday
remember not to hold your child’s hand while he uses the balance beam
a few steps by himself is much better then 20 steps with your help

this is very important for proper balance as well
do forward rolls everyday
as well as rolling from side to side

let him climb as much as possible
if your park has rope net or other climbing toys this is great fun
as good for upper body strength

monkey bars
very important for breathing, balance, strength and so much more
you can build your own for quite cheap(doman’s book tells you how)
or if you can do that go to the park and use the monkey bars there

jumping is really good too
hop around the house or yard
hop like a bunny, frog or bug
use a trampoline if you have one

kick a ball
try balls of all different sizes
work up to running and kicking

remember all of this is fun
if you start to act like it’s hard work you child won’t want to do it
hope this helps to get you started
go read the book and have fun

I started one year ago when my son is 2 1/2 and we have progressed so much in the last year! 2 1/2 is definitely not too late, just start as soon as you can and have a great time doing so! I think tatianna pretty much covered the physically superb aspect, karma to you! But yes there is SO much that you can do with him physically that will be highly beneficial to him. All the exercises mentioned by tatianna I do with my son daily and he adores them, who wouldn’t love crawling and rolling and jumping at swinging around with their Mommy? And he is at a great age to learn math, encyclopedic knowledge, and reading too.

Karma to both of you! Tatiana, I am going to print this out to give me an idea of what to cover. Like I mentioned, we have a balance beam and a trampoline. I am concerned though because winter is coming soon and the cold makes it hard to do all this. (We had 100 inches of snow last year…we are only supposed to get half of that! :tongue: )

Thanks again for taking the time to teach us!

snow can be great for your program :yes:
it’s great for balance
you can try to walk, run, and jump in the snow
you will probably end up it the snow but that is part of the fun
it is much harder to run or walk in the snow so you will get a great work out
which by the way is great for your lungs and heart

if you have a mall near you go early in the morning or late before it closes
malls are great places to run

use what you have
including your weather
having snow fights
and making snow angels

cold weather is hard for us grown ups
but remember kids think everything is great fun
so try not to talk about the cold as a bad thing or soon your child will complain too

I like these suggestions for toddlers. Thanks.
I started the program with my baby, but then the second baby came and it becomes a little harder to adjust to two different levels. Arranging a certain schedule to do things, has made it easier. They both swim 2hrs a week, and besides regular active playtime at home, I take them to a nearby park twice a week. It truly helps them in their development… and gets them tired, at least for a little nap… which is great for me! There are many things you can do at home, just get creative, singing, marching, walking like different animals, jumping different ways, running sideways, throwing balls at certain baskets etc… seems challenging and is something they enjoy… oh by the way, don’t forget to make a good snack for afterwards, they can get pretty hungry :slight_smile:

hi i just found out about this great website full of info.

thanks to Doman mom and tatianna for sharing. Karma to both of you.

my toddler is 2 years and 3 months old. She is a DS. My concern is she still can’t jump. She can walk fast. I have taught her to kick ball, walking with slightly raising your feet for balance, breathing exercises. Is there anything else that i can do to strengtheh her leg?

Thank you so much.

thanx for sharing this infor.

i really not very much concentrated to this area but will definably start by today.