Wesley Playing Hot Cross Buns on the Violin

Sorry for all the extra html. I’m not sure how to get rid of it.

Ahhhhhh He is AWESOME!!! :biggrin:
Wow Congratulations!! How long has he been taking lessons?
Let him know he has me and my son as fans out here in VA and to keep up the great job.

I wouldn’t know how to get rid of the extra html either.

So cute! Good job, Wesley!

That’s good!

It’s unusual to do Hot Cross Buns as one of the early pieces for violin - more likely on the piano. But I notice that’s probably bc of the position he’s taught in - based on the stickers on his violin? He’s taught to start playing on the 3rd position? So that he starts on “Do” - same as the Middle C on the piano?

Well done, Wesley!!!

Thank-you guys!
I will show him all these nice comments tonight when he comes home from his dads

Karmie, Honestly I don’t know. I’m musically challenged, so I just do what the teacher says. We are doing the Suzuki method. She wanted to teach him Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he said he wanted to learn something different so she suggested hot cross buns. Is it unusual to start with the “3rd Position”? What is the difference?

Ok, i took a good look at the video and tried it on my violin. He’s playing C#, B, A - so no, it’s not 3rd position. Just that the stickers seemed quite far from the scroll, so I was mistaken. oops.

Yes, it’s unusual to start with 3rd position, but some teachers might just do that. I know my teacher taught his grandson with that bc then it starts with the middle C on the G-string (lowest string). It might be a little confusing to some kids though.

I saw his video and really think how lucky you are to have such a great kid. You should be very proud of him.
Keep working, music is great.
Congrats Wesley and proud Mom.

Wesley great job!! :biggrin: