A Most Impressive Find!
I just found this site and I absolutely cannot believe how fantastic this is! Literally thousands of books for children, many of which are popular, newer kids books still on bookstore shelves, all available to read in digital format.
This site is run by Penguin Group and Pearson companies as an initiative to get children reading. Only requires creating an account (login info only) and you can start reading. You won’t believe the books that are available :biggrin:
The BEST bit?! Yep, even better than free books…every time you read a book online at this huge online library they donate a copy of that book to the cause or organization selected :yes: Does it get any better than that?!
You can view them on your IPad through a flash app. I have one called Rover (it’s free!).
Install it, then access the welovebooks.org site from the Rover (or other) app.
It is a bit slower, but will show them!
Great link, thank you so much Kerilanne ! Could you please tell what is exactly the app you use for flash player for iPad? I have an iPad 2, and I was trying to find “Rover”, but couldn’t find a flash player app with that, only other apps…?
Being a PM friend of Keri, I know she won´t mind if I copy a post of mine in the “LIBRARY - all links” thread that spoke about the same site.
I know we are all busy parents and we tend to forget the wonderful sites we find - it just happend to me again when I read Keri´s post and I tried to sign up again to a site that I had posted on BK a month ago ;-)))
I really don´t mind who discovers which site and don´t claim ownership at all (I didn´t find it myself by the way, a friend told me!) Just want to make sure that everybody is aware of that wonderful thread “LIBRARY - all links” where we used to post all our wonderful findings in just 1 thread to have it all handy and don´t overlook links.
ipad apps that can show flash: Rover, iswifter, Puffin. I find puffin to be the best, although it is only free for 2 weeks and then you need to pay Euro 2,39, but I am using it with www.time4learning.com and it works quickest.
Thank you “early learning17”, I am new here, so good to know there is such a wonderful link as LIBRARY all links
And thank you for the info for other flash apps, I think I will try Puffin, as the Rover somehow didn’t seem to work very well on my iPad…(? :unsure: )
Thanks for the suggestion of Puffin. I will try it. I find Rover to be slow and iSwifter is also quite slow, sometimes crashes and has inappropriate content for children on the home page. I’ve been getting frustrated! So happy to find another option.
I guess my question was “can we save them” on the Ipad.
I don’t have wifi at home so I can’t connect my Ipad. I’m looking for books to save as PDF to read in iBook.
Oh! Sorry for the late reply regarding saving of books!
I haven’t really played with the technology to verify whether or not it is fully feasible to save the books in this site to PDF format…I Did, however, manage to view a book and safe it on the desktop. Surely, if this is possible, it will be in a format convertable for someone more technologically-savvy to work with!