Web site with ideas for schooling activities from babies to preschoolers

Following web site is featuring ideas for early learning at home, using everyday materials:

Thanks for sharing, Bebita,
I was just looking at the site yesterday, I think I know that couple. :wink:
You have some great downloads in Czech, are you planning on uploading them in English?

Great site! Thanks!

Thanks for the link bebita, its great

Nice site. Especially the video quality is excellent.

Thanks for the link Bebita.

it’s very interessting and easy to do (I hope) I saw that my son plays with homemaked games or sample materials (cups, plastic plates, flour etc.)

i highly recommend www.starfall.com, my kids love it

ya thats great my baby also love that lol

here is another website my child really likes


Thanks that’s a great site. Now I can use those in my curriculum.

this site “earlylearningathome”(Bebita) is very cool, practical and I can make these exercises with my baby I think. The problem is that Flavio will not stay on the chair more than 5 minutes he is always walking or running. I’ve heard on this site that something like school-chair can help…

yes it’s fine my son saw it for a months
this game with zoo too:


Thank you for sharing. I love all the videos and think these are things my son would enjoy!

This IS a great site! Thanks for posting.

when the baby seems bored what I can do? sometimes I can make some activities with shapes, numbers, puzzle, letters and other sample (cups, plates) but Flavio doesn’t like loosing his time :happy:
after 5-10 minutes he’s finished and will started something else :frowning:
I’m so tired with prepare and re-prepare all

You can try listening to nursery rhymes songs and dance. I always do it with my son.
Sometimes we do painting while listening to classical music.
I also encourage him to run or walk outside. While walking you can point on any object outside and name those objects.
Sometimes I bring him to his cousins and let them play. He loves his cousins!

By the way, thank you guys for these great sites.

Thanks for the compliment Nikolett. I’m not planning much at least not any time soon, ‘planning’ is not in my baby’s vocabulary just yet… He is a very active, attention demanding little thing. Do you have any specific ones in mind?

in this all confussion I forgot that singing makes all babies happy and relaxed (and my son loves singing, he knows all Twinkle twinkle and other rhymes), from now before every lesson I’ll trying to make some music break (what about learnig languages by singing it’s improtant, no?)
when we are so concentrated with learning, playing etc. we can loose some important details of ours babies habits.

I was looking at butterflies and marsupials, but I am sure you have more… :slight_smile: