Web links for early learning resources

I just wanted to share some great early learning web site links that I have compiled. I used to have more, but I lost them when I had to reformat a while back.

http://www.starfall.com/ they have all kinds of cool things to do here to help your child learn to read and love it–from A B C’s to interactive online books and games. There are 4 different levels with tons of things to do at each one. You have to check it out!
http://www.internationalparentingassociation.org/index.html lots of great info here. They have free flash cards too. Oh and check out their links page for more great sites!
http://www.montessori.edu/index.html even if you’re not interested in the Montessori schools, they have some good info here
http://www.rightbrainkids.com/ this is where you can find Tweedlewink, but they have a lot of great info on right brain education here. They also have free downloadable flash cards.
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html this one is great for all ages. They have hundreds of topics with tons of info for all kinds of subjects, and they have themes for different ages.

You are right Nikki. My 2 kids love Starfall.com. It’s educational and very animated so they don’t take their eyes of it… :biggrin:

May I suggest a few sites which my kids love? These sites mostly have educational games and make learning things fun. They explore various topics like Bees, garden instruments etc. They have Fun offline activities for kids to do too.


For Elmo and Big Bird fans,


I like letteroftheweek.com it has great lesson plans for teaching your child at a very young age.

www.babybrainflashcards.com sell english and chinese dvds, like babybit, tweedlewink but apparently far better and cheaper. And you can pop them in the dvd player and dont have to use your remote control once to go to the next lesson. It just plays and plays…(Hallelujah! This has been no end of frustration for me).

Hi Nikita,

Thanks for your sharing. But it seems like it doesn’t have online shopping.

just send them an email. I’m comparing the prices between Geraldine (from some Gumnut site in Singapore) and Johnathon (Michelle off the site said he was to be her international distributor) at moment. Johnathan …365kidscrafts.com

seems a reasonably priced product, choc-a-block full of information. And they’re quick to email back.

You can also buy off ebay “My baby can read” a VHs 2hr long tape with 20 doublesided flashcards, being 40 words. basically these words are played over and over again, in 6 sections of 20 minutes, with corresponding pictures. a lot slower than flashcards, but good to have on in the background in case baby looks up at the screen. Bub will hear those common words over and over. it’s about $10 plus postage… brand new.

I borrowed the new Australian Baby Blinks DVDS from the library. Not very exciting!! No words, just numbers 1-5 on screen. Very colourful, lots of background music, but not what this forum would be looking for. The best of the lot was the one with the Aussie animals… this is a galah, koala etc…but again…no words to see on-screen!

Well, I just bought them off Geraldine… (sorry Johnathon…couldnt wait)… and I’m excited…cant wait for them to arrive. I paid $70 australian dollars for 4 DVDS and postage from Singapore…that’s good value, especially at the current exchange rate… aussie dollar has gone from 95c to $1 US to 85c in a few days! Or overnight! I’ll let you know what I think of them when I get them. I paid by PAYPAL… all secure.

web links http://www.debikun.com/

www.multiculturalkids.com looks interesting and they are selling a few VHS for $4.95 at moment… postage is $39 to australia regardless of order size, so those living in US… check out the specials. It isnt affordable for us aussies!

:slight_smile: have some goodies 4u today.

you can get free encyclopaedic knowledge powerpoint flashcard presentations in english and several other languages at…


www.theclassicalmommy.com (be sure to check out the friends list under each category also)

And a not free but very cheap site useful through to university level… one-off lifetime membership $19.95 US…www.flash-exchange.com

Then a couple of sites more costly but useful…Glenn Doman’s Picture Dictionary CDroms Volumes 1 to 10 are $29.95 each. each vol contains 150 images…15 categories, 10 bits of intelligence per category, including 5 different languages (so the lot in each language…japanese, english, spanish, italian, french). that’s www.gentlerevolution.com

But buying from singapore might be cheaper…www.gdbaby.com.sg …or ebay…

And lastly, www.acceleratedlearningmethods.com is all about left and right brain learning, even selling in utero music. Their really exciting product is Memory Magic cdrom which is for 6months to adulthood with Tweedlewink style info, plus lots more. Theres a cheaper one and a deluxe one for $49.95 and there’s other items that u can buy to support the CDrom games.

Thank you all for sharing these links! I noted down all of them. Can’t wait to check them out myself! :slight_smile:

I have more. On ebay there was Geeonogee prodigy reader for sale… cant seem to find it now, but the seller was Geenogee. Looked good.

There’s a great seller on ebay, Your baby Can read… (not Dr Titzer, but an ebay shop)…he sells cdroms in English and Chinese, similar to the Glenn Doman encyclopedic Knowledge ones, but MUCH cheaper!!! ($15 for 5 volumes, 200 words per volume). Plus if you buy more than 1 item you get 15% off other items.

In australian ebay there’s a shop/seller… Teachingpix Software. Free shiping worldwide, sells cdroms of 5000word flashcards for AUD $39.95 or $79 for 10,000 words. Come with pictures, can print them out… categories like
what’s missing? (chair missing a leg etc).

I just found another great computer learning tool that is in the beta testing stages. It looks really cool–and KL, they have Dr. Seuss stuff! Anyways, the player is free, but you have to pay for the stories and games and things they have to download, but it looks cool, nonetheless…check it out…http://www.kidthing.com/

I just got the price list of Doman flascard cdrom set (10 volumes)… singapore $790. That sounds alot, when the set would be under $300 US from Doman himself.

Received the Baby Brain flashcards today. Excellent. The left brain part is the information at a slower pace, clearly pronounced. The Right brain is fast, with chipmunk voice to match. I learned heaps watching them once! The pictures are really good, clear, colourful… they show unusual colours and shapes. They are truly a bargain!!

I haven’t been able to get a response from the baby brain people…any suggestions? I checked out the website and it says they are selling at Malyasian Borders, but when I checked my Borders here they don’t have it. (I’m in the US). Any suggestions?

Yep, I talked to the Baby Brain person. They are not available in U.S. format yet.

I buy US stuff all the time, and one of my Dvd players recognises them and I didnt buy it as a universal or multi-region, it was just a cheapie), and the laptop recognises overseas DVDs no problem. Just like my VCR recognises NTSC fine when we are PAL here… I just pop them in and they play!! I bought off Geraldine Goh, and the DVDs got here (Australia) pretty fast. So “region” is not a problem if you have a multi-region player or a computer! I didnt even bother to find out what format they were before ordering!

those without a multi-region player could read in Little reader general discussion, how to connect laptop to TV!!! Because computers seem to be universal DVD players.