We lost our autism diagnosis!!!!

I got the most amazing news today! After one year of ABA therapy if my son were to be reassessed he would no longer be autisitic!! This is just amazing! My prayers have been answered. For those of you that don’t know this is almost unheard of. When you are given this diagnosis it’s a life sentence. I feel so blessed that with a mix of diet, ABA and Glenn Doman/Brillkids/early education my son has a chance at a normal life. I’m going to talk more to his senior tutor over lunch and if I get more details I will share them.
Thanks everyone for sharing your wonderful ideas with me! They helped so much

That’s amazing, I never heard of that before. Your story will give hope to other parents that have children with special needs. Can I ask how severe your son was and why was he diagnosed in the first place?

Thank-you! I really do hope this gives others hope. Its not an easy road, but God knows it was worth it. I think it be best if you read this entry in my blog, it explains it in detail instead of me retyping it in regards to how he was effected. I have read a few stories of others losing their diagnosis, but its far and few inbetween, and the medical community usually debunks there being a cure by saying they were misdiagnosised. Which is not true most of the time

Waterdreamer, I cannot imagine the elation you’re epxeriencing right now. You should be SO proud of yourself - for your dedication and love that you’ve given to your little one. Well done! I wish there were more moms who were as dedicated as you to helping their children through the suffering that life presents.

I would love to know what you based your diet on. Although my baby does not have autism, I do believe that diets play an integral role in brain growth and development

Yay for you!!!

Thank -you so much! We found that he was allergic to dairy when he was 15months. We removed it from his diet and 2 days later he started to walk. Then we removed Gluten when he was almost 3 and that made a major difference in his behavior and what he could learn.


I’ve got goosebumps! I’m so happy for you and your son! This is most excellent news!


lol Well done to you.Iwish i be a fly to see you and the kid celabrate your sucsess!!Please tell us more your expierance to help parents and a grandmother like me working with kids with autisms.Well done :yes:

OMG!!! i can’t believe what great news this is!!! congratulations!and people think RB education doesn’t help! just goes to show doman was correct after all. I bought a bunch of bits from a gal who’s son was autistic and took the class at the IAHP in philly. the diagnosis for her son was reversed as well. i think it happens a lot there (not sure about that but i would not be surprised!) she flew to philly from houston ever 4-6 mo. and made over 3,000 bits. can you believe that! she flashed like crazy… and it worked!
i am so thrilled for you! is there a way you can have him retested to get official results so he can get rid of that stigma? just curious,
take care and congrats again!
the doc :clown:

Thank-you! Yes, I wish I had flashed more EK and Word cards with him. But we are still trucking and I’m cram packing as much as I can get in him in that short window.
We are doing going to get him retested just yet because he is receiving the best ABA therapy available at no cost to us, and even though he would not be “autistic” we still have a long road to go to. Even though he is testing above average in some areas, he is still delayed in speech. So we want him to continue receiving the best services possible. Basically his tutor told us this to show us that whatever we are doing is working, and basically now were just polishing things up now!~

That is amazing, I am so happy for you. God is good!!

That is wonderful news! Congrats to you and your son!

Congratulations! That’s really amazing new! I Believe God always listen to our prayer and answer our prayer.
Waterdreamer, would you like to share more about ABA therapy? I heard only a little about it and would like to know more. As i know it’s a good therapy for austism, can it work for Down syndrome child? My child is Down syndrome. Thinking to find a way to help him.
Now i am new working with special needs children. There’s some austism children too. Any advise would you like to share with me? Thanks for your blog, it’s really useful for me!! :smiley:

Dear Waterdreamer,

I read your blog too…I m as much happy as you are. Congratulations. My eyes are moist already…how nice to hear this…

Hi daydreamer about the aba terapy did you do it home or you take him somewhere .Is there any internet program where I could follow as we have no such program in my country .thanks and bless you and your kid.

Thank-you everyone so much for your kind words. We know were not out of the woods just yet but its nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
For all of you that asked, ABA is http://rsaffran.tripod.com/whatisaba.html This sit explains it a little.
I would be very hard to run without a good team behind you, but if you can get a hold of a counsultant they could help you. I hear it is very costly, but in my experience very much worth it. I’m lucky in Manitoba to have these services for free.
These are the services that I’m being provided http://www.stamant.mb.ca/main/ABAProgram.html
Right now its in my home, but at one point it was being run in his daycare. From what I can see it runs much better in the home.
It is the only scientificly soon way to help autism.

congratulations! I m so happy for u!

I’m so happy for you dear…

That is absolutely superb, well done. I can imagine it was the hardest thing in the world to achieve. I work with severley autistic children and teenagers so know a fair amount about the life that follows, although no way an expert. I echo everyones positive messages. Well Well done.

I did once see a film of a mother who managed, with much love, time and devotion to also get her sons label revoked. I was utterly compelled by the film (true story). Hearing your story brings tears to my eyes.


much love and best wishes for the future - and oh my it’s looking very bright indeed!!!

Woho!!! Charlotte

I have left a comment on your blog, waterdreamer, but will write here too. I am very, very happy for you! So well done! You are an inspiration to all those who are only the start of that difficult road. All the very best to you and your wonderful son!