we averted disaster!

Whew! What a night! We had to call the fire department because we smelled smoke in our living room and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Good thing we did! Because it turns out that there is some sort of electrical problem and it even burned through an outlet and some of the wiring in the wall. When the firefighters pulled it out they could see a little flame inside- eek! They had to tear a hole in the wall and cut wires, cjavascript:void(0)ap them off, and turn off part of the electricity in the house. Now we’ll have to call an electician and the insurance company and see what can and needs to be done to fix everything. I’m not looking forward to finding out how much this is going to cost- ugh! Please say a prayer (or send happy thoughts our way… depending on your beliefs) that either the insurance company will pay for the repair costs or at least that it won’t end up costing us an arm and a leg. Geez… just in time for Christmas. BUT we did avoid a complete disaster that they said would have happened if we hadn’t been home and smelled the smoke… they said it would have been a total house fire if it had been left alone for a bit longer. So, I see it as a blessing and THANK GOD (thank you, thank you, thank you!!!) that we are safe and it was kept to something smaller scale than what it potentially could have become.

Thanks for reading. Just had to share. :mellow:

Wow, imagine if it had been at a different time of day and you had been sleeping and not smelled it. It could have been a much different story. Hopefully it won’t be expensive to fix, but at least no one was injured and nothing irreplaceable was destroyed. My prayers will be with you.

Exactly. I am very grateful that the outcome was not worse. My uncle’s house caught fire when I was younger and we were living with him and it was very sad to loose things that we cared about. My aunt’s stuff was destroyed because it was in boxes in the garage by where the fire started (she was moving out because they got divorced). Luckily, even then, no people were hurt. We did lose two pets though. :frowning:

Glad you are ok!

Wow! How scary for you. I’m glad everyone is OK!

Glad everything’s ok now.

Glad everyone’s safe and sound.

Wow. that was really a close call - it’s great that you found out about it early! :huh:

We’re very happy to know that you and your loved ones are safe. :slight_smile: I pray you’ll have a happy Christmas, in spite of the unfortunate incident. :blush:

thanks for all the warm replies everyone! we’re just working on getting an electrician to come by to see what it’s going to take to fix the problem. part of our electricity in the house has to stay off until then, which makes it a bit chilly in here- but it’s not too bad. we have a few space heaters and a couple of outlets work that we can plug them into. and our computer works so I can still get on here. :smiley:

God is so good!!

We had a family member who lost everything to a house fire–everything (her car in the garage, pictures, even her dog). It took years to rebuild her life.

Just imagine–all you have to do is pay whatever the electrician charges. You still have all your pictures and belongings and family.

That’s wonderful! Let us know what the electrician says!

well- we have been truly blessed! The electrician was able to fix the problem fairly easily and it only cost $100. That’s it! It had something to do with the circuit breaker not doing it’s job, so that’s what started it. I was afraid it would be so much more work, time, money, etc. I should have had more faith. You’re absolutely right texaslady22… God IS awesome! and I am deeply thankful for the blessings that came from this. The wall the fire started in was between the living room and my baby girl’s room… if it had started a few hours later and we were in bed, it would have started right there by my sweet girl- how scary! We were very lucky, very blessed. Thanks again to everyone for your well wishes, warm thoughts, and concern.

Lot of love ,and remember you in my prayers tonite to thank God for u all.5 years ago I was going to get on fire .my son he was 18 had an electric heather and got on fire.He was asleep and did not smell it. He had his computer on and went off .his brother heard totototo and entered his room .All my house was with in sooth but luckily only the heather came like a blokk of plastic.It took me over 2 months to clean the sooth.Beware of electric things that has termostud and most of all electric blankets.Praise the Lord and good night

whew! bless you!!

lots of hugs … how scary