water phobia


How to help a 4 year old overcome water phobia? She’s had water phobia ever since she was a baby… We couldn’t shampoo her hair like usual but it has to be in 'saloon style ’ where she leaned backwards and no water to her face at all. Recently, I have started to just shower her down right for 10 seconds, shampoo , then shower her again. She will have swimming lesson in summer soon and I am not sure she can cope without a float in the pool.



Normally I would say it is best to start introducing water to children as babies, but I can see your child is 4 years old. Somethings that might help would be to take a bath WITH them. Actually get into the bath with them have find ways to have fun with it. Have you tried toys in the bathtub? How about a bubble bath? Perhaps one of those disposable pools that hold about 10 inches of water? If the weather in your area is hot, you can put 4-6 inches of water in the pool while it is outside and find some games to play while you are at it. Perhaps some of the websites that teach infants and children how to swim will have some information on this topic.

I personally have 16 month old twins. I’ve been teaching them how to swim since they were 11 weeks old. I would get into the bath with them 4-5 times a week. They love the water.

Perhaps you might be able to ask your child why they don’t like the water? I would think you could get quite a bit of information from a 4 year old. If you are able to find out why, work on ways to overcome the fear or dislike of water.

Hm… Hoping some of this can be helpful for you.

Thanks John for your reply. I think I should have started when she was a baby ,.

Do you teach swimming with or without float?

I teach my boys without a flotation device. Of course they aren’t going to be able to stay above the water at 16 months, but they will be much more comfortable in the water once they are able to tread water or when they begin swimming. That of course is only my personal opinion. Perhaps somebody else here on the forum will have a different understanding.

I was also thinking that if you got one of those portable pools (the round ones that hold about 50-100 gallons, it might be helpful. You can sing songs like hm… Ring around the rosie or London Bridges while running on the grass and jumping in the pool every once in a while. The water would only be ankle deep, so I don’t think there would be much reason for any fear.

There are quite a few websites that teach parents how to teach their children how to enjoy the water. I’m at work right now, but later I can find some of those websites. It’s worth a try!


My little cousin was afraid of the water for a looong time. He could float, but he hated going underwater and refused to learn how to do more than a thrashing dog paddle. I finally coaxed him into playing the diving game with his favorite candy ( Hershey kisses), bad, I know, but we were all out of ideas. We had pool rings and other toys that sank to the bottom. I threw them in the shallow end and promised him one kiss for each toy or ring he got back. After a few days he got over his fear/reluctance of going underwater and getting his face wet enough for me to teach him how to really swim. Now he’s on his high school swim team going to state finals ~sigh~. I can’t believe its already been that long.