Water for babies

My 10 month old does not like water. She drinks very little. She has a very small appetite. She does eat a wide variety, but only in small quantities and still breastfeeds. So when it comes to water she shows no interest. Should I be worried? I know that breastmilk has water in it but should she be getting more? How much water do you little ones drink?

I didn’t start giving my son water until he was about a year old, I think. They really don’t need any other liquids if they are still breastfeeding. It is recommended that you give some water if you are outside in the sun a lot.
My son didn’t like water much at first either. I mixed his juice half with water so he would still get water and not so much sugary juice.

I was always told that all babies needed was formula or breastmilk. Someone told me about water intoxication in infants and it scared me too much to give him any till he was well over a year.

i satred giving water to E soon i gave here foods other then BM. as i was very much afraid of infractions on mouth. it was just soon after she turned to 6 month.

I agree with you, nhockaday, I start give water for my girl she was 1 and 2 months… and the doctor said for avoid water when she was a little baby (only if she was constipated, and really helped).

I started off not wanting to give my daughter any water - I would just breastfeed her after a meal. However, she began to get constipated and she was reaching for her brothers beaker, so I let her have a bit at meal times. Its only a small amount so I am not too worried about water intoxication - I think this is if you give babies bottles of water or overdilute their formula…

I started giving water to my son as soon he started solid foods. that is when he was 6 months old.

I couldn’t imagine not giving water to my baby while she was still breastfed, as we live in a very hot country, especially once she started solids and was taking a lot less milk. I would give mineral water, and sometimes cooled herbal tea.

I started giving water to my babies when they started eating solid food, they were 6 months, and also mineral water. But we can´t forget that the fruits also have water in them, so the amount of water to them is consumed in other ways. My babies like to drink water, maybe because I always drink it in front of them. I am always with a little bottle next to me.