Watching cartoons good or bad??

Is it good to allow our children to see cartoon or not??Coz i personally feel that if they get involve in cartoons then they will alwayz want to see that and than they might not watch this educational videos or slie shows.Can everybody pls share there views??


I think it’s fine. But like most things moderation is the key. I let my kids watch cartoons or kid movies, just not all the time.

You have read this, right?

There are a lot of studies out on the effects of watching TV. I do not want Gabriel watching anything but the little bit of educational stuff that he watches. Even then, I think it is too much. When he gets older, I will let him watch some stuff in moderation, but I really don’t think that much of the content of cartoons is anything that I want my son watching anyways.

I would much rather him read books or play with toys. TV really does nothing for the brain, in fact, it is believed to do harm. It’s strictly entertainment and a babysitter for too many parents out there.

K watches very little TV & has yet to watch a cartoon. I’m sure we will let her watch the odd one when she gets older, but we will limit her TV watching. I really don’t think a lot of TV is great even if it is educational.

Hi there,

We don’t have T.V in the home! Not to say we don’t watch movies though. My son was given a Thomas train D.V.D when he was about two. We let him watch a story or two every few days. Now that he is older we have a movie night. So every Wednesday or Thursday, it does sometimes vary, we make popcorn and get ourselves all comfy in front of the computer and we will watch a Disney film or something. Then if he’s been really good or done something wow, we let him watch a short story - Paddington bear, or Thomas train etc. I do know it’s not so good for them, but also know that balance is also the key to most things. He loves the stories on Little Reader and very often asks to see them and he knows he can see as many as he likes. As to watching cartoons, we have friends who have T.V and if he has been to play and has seen cartoons he becomes quite agressive for a few days. We have even skipped our movie night on occasion due to his agressiveness. I also think that your child’s play mates also have an enormous inpact on your child. Around here there aren’t many kids my sons age and I’ve noticed that he tries to be BIG around them and think this is also where the problem is. Anyway, we try to talk him though it and avoid anything that simulates him too much. My husband says it’s just a boy thing or a phase he’ll get over soon enough - it is interesting though how things like watching T.V can make it so much worse.