Wanted - More Spanish LR Files

We have watched 90% of the Spanish LR files and we are getting bored.

Please, someone with spanish knowledge, make more.

Since I am just learning spanish with my dd, pronounication is a MUST. It also helps to have clear pictures and/or english subtitles to help me with the vocab. I have liked a lot of the files, and a few of my favourite authors are anyta84, joha, py, laidalays, and bebita. If you are interested in making more files, I would appreciate that.

Since we basically only know the words on LR, there is lots to learn, but if you need ideas:
Tall/Short Big/Small Hot/Cold Light/Dark Night/Day On/Off In/Out On/Under Over/Below Star/Moon Chair/Desk Pen/Pencil/Crayon/Paper
Clothing Items - socks, shoes, pants, shirts, jackets, sweaters, hats, mittens, dresses
Food - Avocoda, spagetti, carrots, beans, corn, cucumber, peas, cauliflower, beets, parsnips, turnips, toast, jam, peanuts, peanutbutter, granola bar, crakers.

I could go on forever, but I hope someone out there hears my plea. Thanks.

I will love to make some more, I have something on mind, my daughter is being interested in big and small lately so I will make some presentations about that.
Please feel free to give us some more ideas,
Thanks for your input,

ye, PY My babies and I, we love your material, :laugh:


Just PM me with your e-mail and I’ll send you a couple of categories from the curriculum that I translated. I’m sorry, I just have not had any time to translate anything else. :frowning:

Hi Khatty

Recently Joha has sent me the work she has done. I’m very grateful with her.

I´ve just started to translate by myself other categories from the curriculum ( I´m spanish native )

I can´t promise a fast pace working cause my baby is still very tiny and I need time to spend with him when i arrive home.

As I finish each one i´ll share with Joha, and if you want i can send them to you too (by email).

Hi all
This sounds amazing!!!
We are just starting out with our Spanish and I’d love to have some more resources. Is there any possibility for sharing the files more widely?

Joha and Saunier

Thank you for hearing my plea, I look forward to the new files.


Unfortunately at this point KL doesn’t want us to share the files widely because they are planning on coming up with a curriculum in Spanish and we are using the current curriculum as a based (he authorized this). Just PM with your e-mail address and I’ll send you a copy of the files I have.

Can you e-mail your spanish material for me too? Please :blush:

As Joha has commented i can´t either publish my files. I´m just finishing two new categories from the curriculum. If you want contact me by PM too :slight_smile:

I e-mailed it to you and the others that sent me their e-mail, yesterday. There were two e-mails since the files are pretty large. Please let me know if any of you did not get them.

L and J

With PM i meant that if somebody wanted to contact me, could use the “Private Message” because it was the only way to share our email addresses and the files.

I have almost the whole official curriculum translated to spanish but only the words part. Some categories are very hard to translate because there is no corresponding word to be sufficiently accurate in spanish (especially in the case of some verbs).

I´m trying to get proffesional voices instead of my own voice. For that reason i´m spending more time with this work.

As i finished each category with the voices I´ll send them to you.

One note: It’s not latinamerican spanish, only spanish from Spain. Anyway there are no many differences except in some words and the accent.


As far as possible, by now i´m following the curriculum structure exactly like the english one. However there are parts where it can´t be done (For instance objects with “A” and “An”. I can include this part only integrated in the singular and plural)

After this first stage of the work I´ll intend to restructure the whole curriculum for my son to adapt better the categories to the words used by Doman in Spain: Not coincidences between first and ending letters, and so on…

For example if we follow the curriculum, the word “bird” should not be translated simply as “el pájaro” because in spanish the words “el ave” refers to all kinds of birds including pigeons and seagulls, and as a rule “pájaro” is used only for the little birds like canaries, sparrows, nightingales… So i´ll remove from my files the big birds photographs avoiding confusions.

I did receive the files. I’m currently away visiting so haven’t had a chance to download them yet. I can’t wait to get home. Thank you for sharing.

PS. Thanks to KL for authorizing, I appreciate it and I am anxiously awaiting the spanish cirriculum.

Thanks Joha for the contents, It is well done, and thanks Sounier for replay, now I now what PM means :wub:
Have a nice day every one

I made two new presentation, [b]different moods/b and big and small using animals pictures because my daughter loves any presentation that has animals on it(it’s still unapproved maybe a little bit later you guys can dowload it). I hope you guys like them.I am thinking on making other presentation maybe next week. I will be busy this week.

This is a call for our spanish speaking members…please create or share your new spanish files.Looks like we are not having new spanish files since months ago. It will be nice to create new ones ( I am working in some now).
I will like some:
Simple sentences
etc… but any new file will be welcome :wink:

Anyone??? :smiley: