walk first talk later?

I was told by some much older parents and some professional babysitters that babies who talk first walks later, while those who walks early talks later … maybe the walkers are able to get to where they want and get what they want that they don’t see a need to speak out for their wants??

I haven’t done a search or any research on that … as its new to me … too.

Anybody any experiences with their own child, and would like to share it so that we all may know if its true?


oh!this is the first time i have heard this!my mom told me that i walked and talked at the same time just before i turned 1. my son has walk first and is making a lot of babbles, the only real words are “mamy” & “baba”, i hope he will talk soon!

From personal experience, my first born talked early and started walking very late (at around 16 months).

I’ve always been taught that babies focus on one thing at a time like fine motor skills then move on to gross motor skills or vice versa depending on the baby. Who knows? :slight_smile:

This isn’t true at all. My sisters and I all walked and talked about the same time. My son was a late walker and still doesn’t talk.

all babies are different!
Its not like they dont understand but some times it takes a little bit longer to do one thing.
Our job as parents is to help them talk to them as much as posible but is does not gaurntee that they will talk but whem they do it will be all stored.
If the need arises they will use what they have learnt that’s my exprience.
I am a teacher and I deal with kids everyday and I hear different experience eeryday.
Don’t compare your baby your baby is unique!!11

Got to love these wives-tales! With our son, it wasn’t the case. He started talking around 9 mo and walking at 12.5. They were both right in the normal range.

I agree with the not comparing your baby to other babies too much. Every kid usually does things at their own time with the exceptions being disorders such as autism and so forth.

I can’t tell…look my daughter is 14 months old…she doesn’t walk yet, she is bilingual,she speaks five words in spanish and 3 words in english, she understands both language really good, follow directions…etc. She was a late crawler also, she started to crawl when she was 9 months and a half.She signs too.
I read this book…What’s Going on in There? : How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life by Lise Eliot, There explains how the brain develops…I think this is one of the best books I 've ever read before.It help me a lot!!

as far as I know, girls develop language skills faster than boys, and boys develop motor and math skills faster than girls!!! Of course every child is different.

It was true with my kids- they both did things “typical” for their gender. My daughter was an early talker, but walked at 12.5mo (average.) My son wlked at 10.5 months, and his vocabulary isn’t nearly as big as my daughter’s at the same age.

That said, all kids are different, learn at different speeds. Some focus more on physical 1st vs verbal.

Thank you everybody, its interesting … for young babies a few months makes quite a difference and mark changes as well …

My girl blabbles early, and stands and walks early at around 10m (stand) and walks by 11m.

She says a few words at 12-15m, but does not say it often, and does not say it now … but she still blabbles alot.