Visualizing clock, week days and seasons

How have you told your children about clock, week days or seasons?

What I have realized is that people see abstract concepts very differently. This affects how time related concepts are visualized for a baby. Consider following concepts and how you would visualize them?

  • Year: For me a year is a round circle going anti clockwise, starting from New year on top, summer in the bottom and ending to Christmas in one o’clock.
  • Week and month: For me a week is a straight line starting from Monday (as it is marked according to ISO standard and German notation) and month is 4-5 weeks on top of each others as in calendar.
  • Day: For me day is like a clock

Here are some other concepts which people tend to visualize differently in their minds:

  • Life: For me life is an arc which is starting from the left, ending to the right, rapidly raising before age of five to half way, peaking at the age of 40 and rapidly dropping at 75-80.
  • Phone number / pin codes: I see phone numbers as series of three or four or as visual forms like a pyramids or squares

In an ideal world, I would love to have a board with following information included: a clock, a weekday, a date, a year showing all months and seasons in pictures to teach these concept to our baby.

that is really interesting.

I try to tell my DD what time it is when we have to do something or tell her that she has until the long hand is on whatever number to finish her food, or before it is time to change activity etc… so she is increasingly aware of the time. I never thought of representing it on a chart but think that would be useful.

I bought a sequencing game (that she showed zero interest in!). There are several sets of three images that you have to put in the order they occurred in order to help a child understand the passage of time and sequencing of events. I think it is good, and will get it out again soon.

My daughter calls everything ‘last time’ or ‘yesterday’ regardless of when it happened (even something that happened earlier in the day - especially if she has napped) and I have been thinking about how to help her be more accurate, maybe some form of visual representation might help here. I have been meaning to put up the day of the week and date and month every day for about a year and a half now and have no quite got around to it yet!