Videos with more than 10 minutes

Hello friends!!! How are you??? I am waiting for my Little Reader Deluxe… I live in Spain… I do not know when I will have my packet here. While I am looking for websites for my little baby who is only two months and three weeks…

Baby lullaby musics in youtube is my favourite music in order to make my baby girl sleep (more than 30 minutes!!!) I would like to find more songs, stories than my little girl can listen/see while I am ironing, cooking and so on. Could you recommend me some of them, please??? Super simple songs are very good links as well.

Kisses from Spain.
lol lol lol lol lol :rolleyes: :clown:

We like Kids TV 123, and readeez but they are less then 10 minutes. I create a group of them on my playlist on youtube and download them to our TV.

Thankssss luvn4. Your website is goodddddddd I am downloading videos now!

You could try Baby First TV:

I believe they have shorter clips, but you can watch multiple episodes.

I have a couple of their apps on my iPhone that my baby likes.

Good luck!

Thanks Eliana, I am looking your website, it is interesting, many things to see. Good!!

Friends, I have found a short story that is wonderful in order that our babies go to sleep. It is: