videos of my daughter reading

Hi everybody,

I thought it might have been useful to show my past achievements thanks to Doman as a mean to encourage anybody who might still have doubts about theaching your child to read and possible results.
Hera are 2 videos of my daughter Alicia, who is Italian mothertongue, when she was reading on books in English and French at 3 years old and then one video I took last year when she was 5 years old.
Hope you enjoy!


Oh how lovely! Thanks for sharing. It is always encouraging to see others successes.

Such a good little reader. She is very expressive and her English is impeccable.

Congratulations!!! I would like to teach my baby English and German. When did you begin to teach her the third language??? I

@ Korrale4kq:

thank you, I will tell her, she’ ll be so pleased!

@ nuria2012

I find out about the Doman method when Alicia was 18 months. I started with Italian first, then after a few months I added English. By the time she was 2 years old I started with French as well and Spanish. In the mean while I started teaching her also Enciclopedic Knowledge and by the time she was 30 months old she knew already 2/3rd of world geography, amongst other things . Shame I did not record it then. But I am thinking of doing it now so I can, at least, show her when she will be grown up.
Hope this helps.


She really is an adorable little girl! And so very confident in her reading. it really was a pleasure to watch!

Just out of curiosity, does she attend school? I am hoping you will share your experience in how her EL affected her school reception.

And definitely record everything, even now! I constantly kick myself for not getting more of my daughters progress on video…we keep journals, have tons of pictures pasted in, but I am always wishing we captured so much more on video :blush:

Thank you so much Kerileanne99,

She is now attending year 2 and since she was in Reception she stand out from the rest of the class.
Her nursery teacher used to go around saying: “I 've got a genious in my class” and wanted to test her ability.
The following year I have not been that lucky as another teacher was reluctant to give Alicia books of her level.
Currently the school is organized in a way that a class of 30 children is divided in groups of 5 tables. From the best to the least best.
When it cames to reading she doesn’t even belong to the best table because she is more advanced so she reads on her own with the teacher.
That is what they tell me.
Because she has learnt to read since she was 18 months, she enjoys reading so much that she is really good with English and Italian spelling.
She reads all the time. There is no way of stopping her!
She wakes up she reads, she eat lunch she reads, she goes to the toilet she reads,she goes to the garden she reads, she goes to sleep she reads, all on her own!
I could never thank enough Doctor Doman.
It is such a relief.
When I was my daughter age I used to struggle so much at school!
I was sent to school starting from year 2 and nobody taught me previously how to read or write and I used to feel useless. :frowning:
I never enjoyed school!
Thanks to Doman I have less worries now, even though it all depends on me, my organisation and my will when it cames to teaching.
Feel free to ask me should you need to know anything else.


Hi Marialuisa,

I would like to make you some questions:

  1. Does your daughter mix the 3 languages? What do you do then?

  2. What language programmes have you used to teach your lovely daughter? Advantages and disadvantages of these programmes, if possible.

  3. What resources do you use apart from your language programmes? Flashcards, powerpoint presentations,…

  4. How often was your daughter watching the programmes every day?

  5. Do you speak the three languages native speaker?

  6. How many sessions for each language?

Sorry ,I have made too many questions… :wub:

Thanks for sharing Marialuisa. We enjoyed watching her reading. I have some of the same questions as nuria.

Hi Nuria2012,

here are the answers to your questions:

  1. No, she does not mix the 3 languages.

  2. All I do is based entirely on GLENN DOMAN method. God bless him, he has changed my life! There are no disadvantages what so ever with his programmes, only advantages!!!

3)I use anything that I can, whatever might inspire me. E.g. self made flashcards in different languages (japanese as well), Dr Titzer flashcards, Little Reader, books, computer programmes, really anything. But I am not as persistent as I should be though, and look at my results thanks to Doman.

4)When I started there was no Little Reader I believe, so I used to spend my nights cutting and creating flashcards for my daughter to be ready the following they. That is because once you start they learn so fast that I kept on running out of materials to show. I used to flash ten bits at the time every now and then during the day. At least 3 times a day for each material and I used to show 2 sets of cards I believe.

  1. I am Italian mother tongue, my husband speaks Spanish. At home I speak Italian and when my daughter was younger we had only Italian channels on tv so she learnt English mainly through the Doman programme with my flashcards. Even though we live in London we spend the most of our time at home so Alicia did not have a proper chance to talk in English to people or to listen to people talking in English.
    That worried me at first because I feared that she would have struggled with understanding and communicating at school, but as you can see in the first VIDEO, by the time she was 3 she was already pretty fluent in her English reading.
    I communicate with Daddy in Spanish and I also speak French but not really at home!

6)I just show the material every time I have a chance. Now I do it mainly with my youngerst daugher, as Alicia is an independent reader so she is not so much in need as her sister. But I still try to teach her as much as I can.
You can find out all the answers to your questions in the book “How to teach your baby to read” from Glenn Doman, my guru!

You are welcome to ask me anything you might need to know.
I hope this can help you.

Marialuisa :slight_smile:

Hi Arvi,

I hope the answers above can help you too.


Marialuisa thanks for your help.

I am very happy to find parents who are so worried about the language learning process of their children. When you began, there were no LR. I am very lucky and you, and many mothers who have worked without LR would to have the best prize. You have to spend a lot of time doing flashcards… Anyway, you have the best prize the evolution of your children.

This week I have ordered How …to read by Glenn Doman. I wish this book likes me and can carry out my dream: a good accent for my little sunshine.

She was being exposed to flashcards. But she is making faces and screams… Does it happen to you?

Hi Nuria,
thank you so much for your support.
Well done to you, this is the book that will fill all the possible gaps and doubts you might have.
With regards to: “She was being exposed to flashcards. But she is making faces and screams… Does it happen to you?”, I think that once you have read the book you will know how to teach her in a joyful way so that she will be the one begging you to do more and more. You will see.
Keep on sharing your experience and let me know Nuria.
